React data-fetching using boxed
use-boxed-data provides a simple data fetching hook inspired by SWR.
- Provide simple hook for cancellable requests that returns
. - compatibility with any request framework (fetch, axios, etc.).
- Ability to caching requests with fallback support.
- Automatic revalidation.
- Mutate local cache immediately and revalidate from remote asynchronously.
$ pnpm add use-boxed-data
# --- or ---
$ yarn add use-boxed-data
# --- or ---
$ npm install --save use-boxed-data
import { Future, Result } from '@swan-io/boxed';
import { AsyncData, AysncFetcher, useData } from 'use-boxed-data';
const fetcher: AsyncFetcher<CoolStuff> = (url: string, ...options: any[]) =>
Future.make((resolve) =>
fetch(url, options)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => resolve(Result.Ok(data)))
.catch((err) => resolve(Result.Error(err))));
const MyAsyncComponent = () => {
const { data, retry } = useData('/api/cool-stuff', fetcher);
return data.match({
Done: (result) =>
Ok: (stuff) => {
return <LoadedData cool={stuff} />;
Error: () => <Error onRetry={retry} />,
Loading: () => <Loading />,
NotAsked: () => <Loading />,