GridapDistributed v0.2.0
Closed issues:
- Use mpiexecjl (#56)
Merged pull requests:
- Rhs assembly alone (#40) (@amartinhuertas)
- Multi field interpolation and DG test (#42) (@fverdugo)
- Fixing bug in skeleton triangulation with no ghost cells (#43) (@fverdugo)
- Nonlinear test (and misc associated fixes) (#44) (@fverdugo)
- Adding mpi tests (#45) (@fverdugo)
- PVTU files (#46) (@fverdugo)
- Separating Seq and MPI tests in Github actions (#47) (@amartinhuertas)
- Adding sysimage generation to mpi tests (#48) (@amartinhuertas)
- Depend on registered packages and refactor of serial tests (#49) (@fverdugo)
- Final touches before release 0.2 (#50) (@amartinhuertas)
- Release 0.2 (#51) (@amartinhuertas)
- Release 0.2 (#52) (@amartinhuertas)
- Model partition (#54) (@fverdugo)
- Using PArrays.prun() all the way through in tests (#55) (@amartinhuertas)
- Adjusting the size of the local matrices to the appropiate values (#57) (@amartinhuertas)
- Avoiding call to discover_parts_snd (#59) (@fverdugo)