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Rebar plug-in for the GRiSP project.



To install the plug-in globally, add the plug-in to your plug-ins list in ~/.config/rebar3/rebar.config:

{plugins, [

The first time you use Rebar the plug-in will be installed. To upgrade the plug-in to the latest version, you need to first update the Hex index and then the plug-in:

$ rebar3 update
===> Updating package registry...
===> Writing registry to ~/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/registry
===> Generating package index...
===> Writing index to ~/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages.idx
$ rebar3 plugins upgrade rebar3_grisp
===> Fetching rebar3_grisp ({pkg,<<"rebar3_grisp">>,<<"1.1.0">>})
===> Downloaded package, caching at ~/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/rebar3_grisp-1.1.0.tar
===> Compiling rebar3_grisp

For an Existing Project

Add the plug-in to your rebar config:

{plugins, [rebar3_grisp]}.

Then just call your plug-in directly in the root of the existing application:

$ rebar3 grisp
===> Fetching grisp
===> Compiling grisp
<Plugin Output>

Create New Application


To create a new GRiSP project:

rebar3 new grispapp name=mygrispproject dest=/path/to/SD-card

The specific variables provided by this plug-in are:

  • name is the name of the OTP application
  • dest is the destination path for deployment. This should point to where your SD-card is mounted (e.g. on macOS it is /Volumes/<NAME> where <NAME> is the name of the SD-card partition)
  • otp_release is the target Erlang/OTP version used on the GRiSP board

For a full list of customizable variables, run rebar3 new help grispapp.

Compile the project

rebar3 compile

Make sure you do that with the same Erlang version that you configured in the rebar.config. If you compiled rebar3 yourself with a more recent version of Erlang it will give errors, you will need to recompile rebar3 as well in that case.

For further information have a look at the GRiSP Wiki

Deploy an Application

To deploy a GRiSP application, use the command rebar3 grisp deploy. The command requires the release name and version to be provided. The deployment destination can be set in rebar.config or be given as an additional argument.


rebar3 grisp deploy --relname mygrispproject --relvsn 0.7.8

or shorter:

rebar3 grisp deploy -n mygrispproject -v 0.1.0

Above command will try to download a crosscompiled OTP version from our CDN and unpack it. In many usecases this will be enough. If you want to add own port drivers or NIFs in C you will have to build your own toolchain and OTP, see below.

Run rebar3 help grisp deploy for information on all arguments.



{grisp, [
    {otp, [{version, "22.0"}]},
    {deploy, [
        % Path to put deployed release in
        {destination, "/path/to/destination"},

        % Shell script to run before deploying begins
        {pre_script, "rm -rf /path/to/destination/*"},

        % Shell script to run after deploying has finished
        {post_script, "umount /path/to/destination"}

Listing Packages

The plug-in can list pre-built GRiSP OTP packages and toolchains:

$ rebar3 grisp package list
===> GRiSP pre-built OTP versions for platform 'grisp2'
$ rebar3 grisp package list --type=toolchain
===> GRiSP pre-built toolchain packages
OS     Latest  OS Version         Url
Linux  true    5.11.0-1027-azure
Linux          5.11.0-1028-azure
macOS  true    10.15.7  
macOS          11.6.3   

Build OTP for GRiSP

Add the path to the toolchain to the rebar.config under grispbuildtoolchaindirectory:

{grisp, [
    {otp, [{version, "22.0"}]},
    {build, [
        {toolchain, [
    {deploy, [
        {destination, "/PATH/TO/DESTINATION"}

Then execute rebar3 grisp build. This will take some time, because Erlang/OTP is cross-compiled for the GRiSP board.

You only need to do that again if you updated and rebuilt the grisp-software repository or if you changed or wrote new drivers in C. If you need to build OTP for a second time and just changed files you can speed it up by using rebar3 grisp build --configure false. Each time you add new C files you will need to run configure again, because this tool will apply a patch to a makefile for each C driver, NIF and system file.

You can create the tarballs we use for distribution on our CDN with rebar3 grisp build --tar true

The built Erlang distribution and its runtime system is located in the project folder, under the path _grisp/otp/<version>/install.


To test the plug-in and develop for it, we recommend checking out a specific version into a local project. You can also create a new temporary GRiSP project using this plug-in. This can be useful to test deployments locally before copying them to an SD card:

$ rebar3 new grispapp name=grisp_test dest=/tmp/GRISP_SD_CARD

Go into the project folder and prepare the checkout directory used by Rebar 3 for dependency overrides:

$ cd grisp_test
$ mkdir -p _checkouts

Testing master

You need to clone both rebar3_grisp (this repo) and its dependency grisp_tools. If you want the latest master versions:

$ git clone git clone _checkouts/rebar3_grisp
$ git clone git clone _checkouts/rebar3_grisp

Testing a Specific Branch

Alternatively, clone a specific branch. Replace $REBAR3_PLUGIN_BRANCH with the branch name you want from rebar3_grisp and $GRISP_TOOLS_BRANCH with the branch name you want from grisp_tool:

$ git clone git clone --single-branch --branch $REBAR3_PLUGIN_BRANCH _checkouts/rebar3_grisp
$ git clone git clone --single-branch --branch $GRISP_TOOLS_BRANCH _checkouts/rebar3_grisp

In case you only need a specific branch of rebar3_grisp, you can default to using the master version of grisp_tools.