Connecting Oracle ATP Database with Node JS.
- Oracle Cloud
- NodeJs
- Postman
- Create ATP Database
- Download Wallet from ATP Database.
- Wallet will have sqlnet.ora & TNS Entry, which will be used for connectivity
- placed those file in some location. add environmeant variable for TNS_ADMIN.
- Refer "$TNS_ADMIN' in sqlnet.ora file. (if you see connection issue)
- Download Oracle Instant Client
- npm install oracledb in same folder where node code will be written.
1 - server.js
Example to show how to retrieve data from ATP database.
2 - server-OrderNumGeneration.js
Example to show how to invoke sql procedure from nodejs code.
- Create you ATP Instance & save your credentails.
- Enter the same credentails in the js file code.
- change the select statement according to your table instance.
- use postman to trigger the rest to that server.
Creata sequence in dual and use that sequence name in procedure. example