This is a simple nodejs client to interact with devices that support the tuya api over the cloud.
npm install tuyacloudnodejs
Use these setup instructions for how to find the needed parameters.
const TuyaCloud = require( 'tuyacloudnodejs' );
let Tuya = new TuyaCloud
( {
"server": ""
} );
let data = await Tuya.token( ).get_new( );
( async function( )
// set some variables for the example
let result = '';
let device_id = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';
let home_id = 'XXXXXXX';
let scene_id = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX';
// get an access token
let data = await Tuya.token( ).get_new( );
let token = data.result.access_token;
// get device details
result = await Tuya.devices( token ).get_details( device_id );
// post device commands
let commands = { "commands": [ { "code": "switch_led" , "value": false } ] };
result = await Tuya.devices( token ).post_commands( device_id , commands );
// get list of scenes
result = await Tuya.scenes( token ).get_list( home_id );
// trigger a scene
result = await Tuya.scenes( token ).post_trigger( home_id , scene_id );
} )( );
// call one of the main components (home,scenes,devices,token)
// example call to show all methods for devices component
endpoints = Tuya.devices( ).endpoints( );