Releases: grycap/im-client
Releases · grycap/im-client
IM-Client version 1.8.1
IM-Client version 1.8.0
- Accept TOSCA in reconfigure
- Fix system_name func
IM-Client version 1.7.0
- Refactor code and enable to use it as a library
- Remove python2 supportm
IM-Client version 1.6.0
- Enable to show/use name in infrastructure operations: #89.
IM-Client version 1.5.11
IM-Client version 1.5.10
- Add wait function: #71
IM-Client version 1.5.9
IM-Client version 1.5.8
IM-Client version 1.5.7
IM-Client 1.5.6
- Add support to create infrastructures using a TOSCA input file: #45.