Simple project that shows you how to test a Quarkus application with REST Assured and H2 Database.
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its website:
mvn compile test
docker pull postgres
docker run --name my_db \
-e POSTGRES_USER=username \
-e POSTGRES_DB=my_db \
-p 5432:5432 \
You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:
mvn compile quarkus:dev
The application can be packaged using:
mvn package
It produces the quarkus-testing-restassured-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
file in the target/quarkus-app/
Be aware that it’s not an über-jar as the dependencies are copied into the target/quarkus-app/lib/
If you want to build an über-jar, execute the following command:
mvn package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar
The application is now runnable using java -jar target/quarkus-testing-restassured-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
What is REST Assured?
"Testing and validating REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain."
What is H2Database ?
"H2 is an open-source lightweight Java database. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in the client-server mode. Mainly, H2 database can be configured to run as inmemory database, which means that data will not persist on the disk. Because of embedded database it is not used for production development, but mostly used for development and testing."
I am Giuseppe Scaramuzzino and you can find me on Twitter @GiuseScara to provide feedback or discuss anything about this project. 🙂