Web interface and server to pub/sub MQTT messages for home automation, using Node.js and Socket.io. The index.html
page uses a web socket to connect to the listening server WebMQonttrol_server.js
with node.js. The server creates a connection to the MQTT broker, and passes messages from/to the client-page connected.
###Structure overview
The structure and layout are very specific to my use case, and definitly won't work out of the box for other people. But hopefully this can serve as a starting point for your project. The MQTT messages I'm using are under the /docs folder. The main idea is to have actions and status messages. Actions are mostly trigger topic, where the actual message is not really important (though can be used as a 'function argument'). Status messages are usually set by whoever receiver the action message, and the messages the webpage uses to show the current status.
- node.js - Used to run a socket.io server
, that theindex.html
page connects to. - socket.io -
runs a web socket fromindex.html
to MQTT broker. - mqtt.js - MQTT client library for Node.js, used by the server to sub/pub messages.
- Mosquitto - The broker I'm using, but I imagine it should work with others.
####Nice to have
- Arduino - Arduino with Ethernet shield, to interface with physical objects.
- EventGhost - Windows software used for automation of media players, peripherals, etc. Uses a MQTT plugin to talk to the broker.
- Node-RED - Node.js tool to create connections between different web inputs/outputs, like MQTT/GET/POST/UDP/etc.
The code was initially heavily based and inspired by Fabian Affolter and his mqtt-panel project.