The Jr-cutDown-Version lacks the following Features of the original Emulator-Version:
- virtual GPIO-Support is missing
- Telnet-Support is missing
- SPIFFS-Support is missing
- Code-Fragments of TTGO T1/T2 are not included BUT SDCard-Support-Commands like sdfiles and sdcopy does work ;)
The original version of the ESP32-Z80-Emulator (without VGA32-Support)
from David Bottrill ([email protected]) is available at
This VGA32-Port does use the FabGL-VGATextController with 16 Colors
from Fabrizio Di Vittorio ([email protected])
- Notes / Problems at this time:
- Breakpoint GPIO-Switches sw1(26) & sw2 (27) may be incorect or non free GPIOs
- Config of Keyboard and Screen-Color via .ino because I had to use FabGL TextController instead the VGA16-Controller (got Problems to get the SDCard to init)
- Does hang/freeze when exiting Wordstar 3.30 / 4.00 with the X-command
- Does throw exception when starting Turbo Pascal v3.01A (after Error-Msg Question)
# esp32z80
diskdef esp32z80
seclen 512
tracks 512
sectrk 32
blocksize 4096
maxdir 512
boottrk 0
os 2.2