kafka-rb allows you to produce and consume messages to / from the Kafka distributed messaging service. This is an improved version of the original Ruby client written by Alejandro Crosa, and is used in production at wooga.
You need to have access to your Kafka instance and be able to connect through TCP. You can obtain a copy and instructions on how to setup kafka at http://incubator.apache.org/kafka/
To make Snappy compression available, add
gem "snappy", "0.0.4", :git => "git://github.com/watersofoblivion/snappy.git", :branch => "snappy-streaming"
to your Gemfile.
sudo gem install kafka-rb
(should work fine with JRuby, Ruby 1.8 and 1.9)
require 'kafka'
producer = Kafka::Producer.new
message = Kafka::Message.new("some random message content")
require 'kafka'
producer = Kafka::Producer.new
message1 = Kafka::Message.new("some random message content")
message2 = Kafka::Message.new("some more content")
producer.send([message1, message2])
require 'kafka'
producer = Kafka::Producer.new
producer.batch do |messages|
puts "Batching a send of multiple messages.."
messages << Kafka::Message.new("first message to send")
messages << Kafka::Message.new("second message to send")
- they will be sent all at once, after the block execution
require 'kafka'
consumer = Kafka::Consumer.new
messages = consumer.consume
require 'kafka'
consumer = Kafka::Consumer.new
consumer.loop do |messages|
puts "Received"
puts messages
There is two cli programs to communicate with kafka from the command line
interface mainly intended for debug. kafka-publish
and kafka-consumer
. You
can configure the commands by command line arguments or by setting the
environment variables: KAFKA_HOST, KAFKA_PORT, KAFKA_TOPIC,
$ kafka-publish --help
Usage: kafka-publish [options]
-h, --host HOST Set the kafka hostname
-p, --port PORT Set the kafka port
-t, --topic TOPIC Set the kafka topic
-c, --compression no|gzip|snappy Set the compression method
-m, --message MESSAGE Message to send
If message is omitted, kafka-publish
will read from STDIN, until EOF or
NOTE: kafka-publish doesn't bach messages for the moment.
This could be quiet handy for piping directly to kafka:
$ tail -f /var/log/syslog | kafka-publish -t syslog
$ kafka-consumer --help
Usage: kafka-consumer [options]
-h, --host HOST Set the kafka hostname
-p, --port PORT Set the kafka port
-t, --topic TOPIC Set the kafka topic
Kafka consumer will loop and wait for messages until it is interrupted.
This could be nice for example to have a sample of messages.
alejandrocrosa at(@) gmail.com http://twitter.com/alejandrocrosa