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guilliamxavier committed Oct 5, 2023
0 parents commit c36cee8
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Showing 8 changed files with 890 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Cargo.toml
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name = "rustic_json"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
publish = false

# none!
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# rustic_json

Rudimentary implementation of [JSON] in [Rust], **for demonstration purpose**.


222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions src/
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//! Rudimentary implementation of [JSON] in [Rust], **for demonstration purpose**.
//! [JSON]:
//! [Rust]:
//! [Repository](
//! The main item is the [`Value`] enum, which can be:
//! - constructed:
//! - by parsing JSON data via [its `FromStr` impl](Value#impl-FromStr-for-Value),
//! - or manually, optionally via its various \[`Try`\]`From` impls or with the [`json!`] macro;
//! - modified manually (through pattern matching);
//! - and formatted into JSON via [its `Display` impl](Value#impl-Display-for-Value).

macro_rules! value_impl_from {
($param:tt: $typ:ty => $body:expr) => {
impl From<$typ> for Value {
fn from($param: $typ) -> Self {

macro_rules! value_enum {
($($variant:ident$(($typ:ty))?,)+) => {
/// Representation of a JSON value.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum Value {

$($(value_impl_from!(val: $typ => Self::$variant(val));)?)+

value_enum! {

mod num;

pub use num::Num;
pub type Str = std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>;
pub type Arr = Vec<Value>;
pub type Obj = std::collections::BTreeMap<Str, Value>;

value_impl_from!(_: () => Self::Null);

impl TryFrom<f64> for Value {
/// NaN or infinity.
type Error = f64;

fn try_from(f: f64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
value_impl_from!(i: i32 => Self::Number(Num::from(i)));
value_impl_from!(u: u32 => Self::Number(Num::from(u)));

value_impl_from!(str: &'static str => Self::String(Str::from(str)));
value_impl_from!(string: String => Self::String(Str::from(string)));

/// Convenience macro for constructing a [`Value`] from a JSON-like literal.
/// This also:
/// - interpolates variables/constants and parenthesized expressions
/// _(negative numbers also require parentheses)_,
/// - allows trailing commas in objects and arrays,
/// - automatically supports comments.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic (at runtime) for invalid numbers (NaN or infinity).
/// # Examples
/// Basic literals:
/// ```
/// use rustic_json::json;
/// use rustic_json::Value;
/// use rustic_json::{Arr, Num, Obj, Str};
/// assert_eq!(
/// json!({
/// "a": null,
/// "b": true,
/// "c": false,
/// "d": 1234,
/// "e": 0.5,
/// "f": "hello",
/// "g": [{}],
/// "h": {"":[]}
/// }),
/// Value::Object(Obj::from([
/// (Str::from("a"), Value::Null),
/// (Str::from("b"), Value::Boolean(true)),
/// (Str::from("c"), Value::Boolean(false)),
/// (Str::from("d"), Value::Number(Num::from(1234))),
/// (Str::from("e"), Value::Number(Num::new(0.5).expect("finite number"))),
/// (Str::from("f"), Value::String(Str::from("hello"))),
/// (Str::from("g"), Value::Array(Arr::from([Value::Object(Obj::new())]))),
/// (Str::from("h"), Value::Object(Obj::from([(Str::from(""), Value::Array(Arr::new()))]))),
/// ]))
/// );
/// ```
/// Interpolation, trailing commas, comments:
/// ```
/// # use rustic_json::json;
/// # use rustic_json::Value;
/// # use rustic_json::{Arr, Num, Obj, Str};
/// #
/// let string_key: String = "oof".chars().rev().collect();
/// let string_value: String = "bar".to_ascii_uppercase();
/// const EMPTY_LIST: Arr = Arr::new();
/// assert_eq!(
/// json!({
/// "unit": (),
/// "bool_expression": (string_key == "foo" && string_value == "BAR"),
/// "negative_number": (-1234),
/// string_key: string_value,
/// (concat!("nested", '_', "lists")): [
/// EMPTY_LIST, // <-- trailing comma (in array)
/// ], // <-- trailing comma (in object)
/// }),
/// Value::Object(Obj::from([
/// (Str::from("unit"), Value::Null),
/// (Str::from("bool_expression"), Value::Boolean(true)),
/// (Str::from("negative_number"), Value::Number(Num::from(-1234))),
/// (Str::from("foo"), Value::String(Str::from("BAR"))),
/// (Str::from("nested_lists"), Value::Array(Arr::from([
/// Value::Array(Arr::new()),
/// Value::Array(Arr::new()),
/// ]))),
/// ]))
/// );
/// ```
/// Panic (invalid number):
/// ```should_panic
/// # use rustic_json::json;
/// #
/// let _ = json!({ "imaginary_number": (f64::sqrt(-1.0)) });
/// ```
/// Compilation error (missing parentheses around expression):
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use rustic_json::json;
/// #
/// let _ = json!({ "negative_one": -1 });
/// ```
macro_rules! json {
({}) => {
({ $($key:tt : $value:tt),+ $(,)? }) => {
$crate::Value::Object($crate::Obj::from([$(($crate::Str::from($key), json!($value))),+]))
([]) => {
([ $($element:tt),+ $(,)? ]) => {
(null) => {
($other:expr) => {

macro_rules! escape_tables {
($($escape:literal: $raw:literal,)+ + $($extra:literal,)+) => {
static PARSE_ESCAPE: [Option<u8>; u8::MAX as usize + 1] = {
let mut tmp = [None; u8::MAX as usize + 1];
$(tmp[$escape as usize] = Some($raw);)+
$(tmp[$extra as usize] = Some($extra);)+
static STRINGIFY_ESCAPE: [Option<u8>; u8::MAX as usize + 1] = {
let mut tmp = [None; u8::MAX as usize + 1];
$(tmp[$raw as usize] = Some($escape);)+

escape_tables! {
b'"': b'"',
b'\\': b'\\',
b'b': b'\x08',
b'f': b'\x0C',
b'n': b'\n',
b'r': b'\r',
b't': b'\t',

const MIN_VALID_STRING_CHAR: u8 = b'\x20';

mod parse;
mod stringify;

pub use parse::{ParseError, ParseErrorKind, ParseErrorPosition};
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/
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/// Wrapper for a [`f64`] that is finite (i.e. not NaN nor infinite).
/// # Layout
/// `Num` has the same layout as `f64`.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Num(f64);

/// `Num` can implement `Eq` because NaN is ruled out.
impl Eq for Num {}

impl Num {
pub fn new(f: f64) -> Option<Self> {
if f.is_finite() {
} else {

pub fn get(self) -> f64 {

macro_rules! num_impl_from {
($param:ident: $typ:ty) => {
impl From<$typ> for Num {
fn from($param: $typ) -> Self {

num_impl_from!(i: i32);
num_impl_from!(u: u32);

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