A simple plugin for funky directional slide effect on rollover/click on elements
Here is a very simple demo
Here is a basic exemple
// minimum
Here is a full options exemple
// full options
animateOnClick : false, // set to true if you prefer the click event rather than mousenter
normalElmt : '.directional-slide-normal', // ClassName for the "normal" element
hoverElmt : '.directional-slide-hover', // ClassName for the "hover" element
avoidTransforms : true, // set to true to prevent jQuery Enhancement Plugin bugs
reverseNormal : false, // set to true if you want to reverse animation of the "normal" element (repulsion effect)
reverseHover : false, // set to true if you want to reverse animation of the "hover" element (repulsion effect)
animateSpeed : 800, // animations speed (in ms)
Chrome/Firefox/Safari and IE7+
Feel free to use it, just leave my copyright.
Copyright (c) 2011 Stéphane Guigné