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Resource Hub API

Resource Hub API/backend service


# creates new configuration files for customization...
cp -n .env.defaults .env
cp -n data/vault.example.yml data/vault.yml

# Build and start containers
docker-compose build --progress=plain # creates rhub-api docker image
docker-compose up  # starts the api

Additionally, for convenience, there is a Makefile with some useful commands:

$ make init           # create new customized .env and vault.yml files
$ make build          # build docker image
$ make build-no-cache # build docker image, ignoring the cache
$ make start          # start the orchestration using docker-compose
$ make stop           # stop orchestration
$ make test           # run unit tests (needs PYTHONPATH or virtualenv set)


The API requires other services (database, etc) in order to function. Some of the configuration comes from environment variables. Docker-compose in this repository is configured to read variables from the customized .env file.


In the PostgreSQL you just need to create database and user, tables and other object are created automatically on first start.


HashiCorp Vault

In the HashiCorp Vault create AppRole and policy to limit access to secrets.

  • VAULT_TYPE=hashicorp
  • VAULT_ADDR - URL, with https://
  • VAULT_ROLE_ID - AppRole role_id
  • VAULT_SECRET_ID - AppRole secret_id

For development, you can use file vault that stores secrets in plain text YAML file.

  • VAULT_TYPE=file
  • VAULT_PATH - path to YAML file with secrets, see example in data/vault.yml


Create token

flask create-user [-g <group-name>] <user-name>

The API token is printed only once and then it cannot be retrieved again, so write it down somewhere (eg. to .env as TOKEN variable).

To create admin account, run the following command:

flask create-user -g rhub-admin admin

Use token

Tokens are passed to the API via Authorization: Basic HTTP header. Username is __token__ and password is the API token.

curl -u __token__:$TOKEN http://localhost:8081/v0/me
    auth=('__token__', os.environ['TOKEN']),


Credentials are required to allow Tower Webhook Notifications to be received by the API.

Create admin account for use from Tower:

flask create-user -g rhub-admin tower

Running quality checks

  1. Install development dependencies (create a clean virtual env first, if you don't have one).
$ pip install -U -e .[dev] -r requirements.txt
  1. SonarQube report. A link for the report will be printed on screen.
$ make scan
  1. pip-audit report. Errors will be printed on screen.
$ tox -e pip_audit
  1. OWASP Dependency-Check report. Report will be at odc-reports/dependency-check-report.html.
$ bash bin/


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  • Python 98.6%
  • Other 1.4%