When running CDK commands, pass the command line flag -c ctxgroup=group_name_here
to activate a specific context group. If you do not specify one, then the default configured in cdk.json
is used as the fallback.
Full example:
cdk --profile my_profile -c ctxgroup=dev synth
If you did not provide a default name, and did not specify one on the command line, then an error condition will be raised.
#Additional Topics
Shared Values It is not unusual to have values that are useful in all environments. This is particular true of cross-account resources.
You can define a special context group named all, and those keys and values will be automatically included with any other context group activated by name.
Example in cdk.json
"context": {
"contextGroups": {
"default": "dev",
"all": {
"some_shared_efs_id": "fs-00112233"
"dev": {
"account_id": "****",
"em_instance_type": "t3.large",
"vpc_id": "vpc-*****************"
"prod": {
"account_id": "****",
"em_instance_type": "r5.large",
"vpc_id": "vpc-*****************"