Object streamer for alt:V Multiplayer (Typescript)
A simple and useful object handler (with sync attachable to entity). It is based on server side usage.
Note: Techincal support will not be provided. It is not recommended to use if you dont have sufficient technical knowledge. (but if you see it any mistake / bug, you can open a issue).
Max Object Limit(Recommended): 10.000
Create Object and delete object (Server-side):
new ObjectService(objectName, vector3Pos, vector3Rot, onGroundProperly);
Create Object with attached to entity (Server-side):
new ObjectService(objectName, vector3Pos, vector3Rot, onGroundProperly, {
entity: player,
xPos: 0.15,
yPos: 0.0,
zPos: -0.043,
xRot: 15,
yRot: 80,
zRot: 150,
useSoftPinning: false,
collision: false,
isPed: false,
boneIndex: 57005,
vertexIndex: 1,
fixedRot: true