This bash script is very useful to update your SSL certificate on letsencrypt.
Your SSL certificate will be updated 1 day before expired. Feel free to copy or modify this script
- Copy to /etc/letsencrypt directory. Rename and edit this file with your domain
- Open with your text editor, edit the configurations.
- put to /root/script
- Create a crontab process like this "1 0 * * * /bin/bash /root/script/"
This script will be running everyday, but the script will update only the certificate 1 day before expired. Please take a look my script, because this script need improvements.
If you are using certbot on CentOS 6.X and already install python27 from SCL Repository, Open ## on the script like this:
scl enable python27 "$LETSBIN -q --agree-tos --expand --config $CONFIGSSL/$EACHDOMAIN.ini certonly"