Includes technology information, principles , concepts and comparisions used in my job
- OPC UA Ep. 2 | Server - YouTube
- opc ua - YouTube
- It can’t be delivered without the right Address, even in OPC UA - Real Time Automation, Inc.
- Embedded OPC UA Stack
- How to Make Your OPC-UA Based Data Accessible and Useable with the Tempus IIoT NiFi OPC-UA Bundle
- Why the OPC UA Standard – and What’s Next?
- Load Data from OPC UA to HDFS
- OPC UA and the Internet
- Book
- 1.OPC-Siemens S7-1200 Haberleşmesi- KepServer"PLC Automation Training-OPC Communication" - YouTube
- siemens-suite-datasheet.pdf
- Stream Industrial Data with the IoT Gateway | Kepware
- EX - Demo Download Content Gate
- IoT Gateway Demo Video
- KEPServerEX Version 5.19 Release Webinar
- iot-gateway-datasheet.pdf
- iot-gateway-easy-guide.pdf
- Q&A: Kepware Applications Engineers Talk IoT Gateway
- IoT Gateway
- SINUMERIK CNC integration With KepServer/OPC Server - Entries - Forum - Industry Support - Siemens
- Brochure-SINUMERIK-840D-sl.pdf
- Install Guide
- KEPServerEX V6
- Support Center | Customer Resources | Kepware
- kepserverex-datasheet.pdf
- KEPServerEX Secure Deployment Guide
- Simulation Mode
- Solved: How do I simulate random tag values against a dev... - PTC Community
- Search - PTC Community
- UseCase
- Configuration Manual SINUMERIK Access MyMachine / OPC UA
- OPC UA Server 2.1 for SINUMERIK 828D and SINUMERIK 840D sl - ID: 109746207 - Industry Support Siemens
- Siemens PLC data access with OPC UA or Classic OPC
- Sinumerik OPC Access | Siemens | Support | inventcom
- Sinumerik 840D 828D OPC UA SW 4.5 | Siemens | Support | inventcom
- Sinutrain OPC interface - Entries - Forum - Industry Support - Siemens
- OPC UA - Industrial Interoperability - 39.sayfa
- SINUMERIK CNC control systems
- SINUMERIK CNC automation system - Automation systems - Global
- Can 840D OPC.SINUMERIK.Machineswitch in Workgroup connect to company's network? - Entries - Forum - Industry Support - Siemens
- How to Connect Sinumerik Cnc with KepserverEx? - Entries - Forum - Industry Support - Siemens
- WebAccess CNC SIEMENS OPCUA Connection_ V1.4_EN.pdf
- 2017_03_s0248_eng.pdf
- SINUTRAIN Connection to the PLC - Entries - Forum - Industry Support - Siemens
- List Manual NC variables and interface signals
- TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) | Industrial Ethernet | Siemens
- Big data architectures | Microsoft Docs
- CLP.25-v1.0.pdf
- Streaming Data Lake and Analytics with Apache Nifi - XenonStack
- Real-Time Streaming Data Analytics Services and Solutions - XenonStack
- Apache Kafka and MQTT: End-to-End IoT Integration - DZone IoT
- How to build an IIoT system using Apache NiFi, MiNiFi, C2 Server, MQTT and Raspberry Pi
- Integrating Apache NiFi and Apache Kafka
- What is the best use case for Apache Nifi? - Quora
- Why should I use Apache Flink when Spark and Hadoop are already there? - Quora
- Real-Time Data Streaming with Apache Spark - XenonStack
- Big Data Workflow Management | Coursera
- The Integration and Processing Layer - University of California San Diego | Coursera
- How to beat the CAP theorem - thoughts from the red planet - thoughts from the red planet
- Best practices and lessons learnt from Running Apache NiFi at Renault - DataWorks Summit DataWorks Summit
- Apache Kafka Nedir ? – Büyük Veri Türkiye
- Apache NiFi Nedir? Neden Kullanılır? – kızgibikodla();
- Here’s what makes Apache Kafka so fast –
- Apache Kafka, Storm and NiFi: Better Together - Hortonworks
- 15 Questions and Answers from Apache NiFi, Kafka & Storm: Better Together - Hortonworks
- Kafka Vs NiFi - Google Grupları
- Why use Apache Kafka to connect NiFi with streaming engines like Flink, Storm or Spark? - Quora
- Collect data from OPC UA protocol - Hortonworks
- In automation, what is the difference between PLC, NC, and CNC (in layman’s terms)? Is one more advanced than another, or are the controllers used for different machinery? - Quora
- CNC Makineleri Tarihçesi | CNC Nedir
- titletitle
- Sinutrain
- SINUMERIK 840D sl/ 840D/840Di/810D
- Basic Intro to CNC programming
- Introduction to Computer Numerical Control
- Forum
- CDS Powered by Apache Spark Known Issues | 2.3.x | Cloudera Documentation
- Apache Spark with Scala - Hands On with Big Data! Getting Started - Spark, Hadoop, and Data Science Training
- FAQ | Apache Spark
- Top 100 Apache Spark Interview Questions and Answers - DataFlair
- Getting to know MQTT – IBM Developer
- Choosing an MQTT broker for your IoT project
- VerneMQ - A MQTT broker that is scalable, enterprise ready, and open source
- MQTT Essentials Part 6: Quality of Service 0, 1 & 2
- There’s more to life than HTTP: VerneMQ a high-performance and distributed MQTT broker
- Getting to know MQTT – IBM Developer
- WhitePaper - A Comparison AMQP and MQTT
- AMQP 0-9-1 Model Explained — RabbitMQ
- What's up with AMQP 1.0? | MuleSoft Blog
- Overview of AMQP 1.0 in Azure Service Bus | Microsoft Docs
- Are there MQTT brokers that persist QoS 1/2 messages to disk? - Internet of Things Stack Exchange
- EMQ vs VerneMQ – Namdak Tonpa – Medium
- Which MQTT server for > 1M connections - Stack Overflow
- Which mqtt message broker has the fastest throughput? - Quora
- MQTT QoS - Choosing the right QoS level
- mqtt - How does EMQ persist QoS 1/2 messages? - Internet of Things Stack Exchange
- EMQ - EMQ X enterprise
- MQTT brokers - Google Drive
- influxdb_2017.pdf
- An introduction to InfluxDB
- InfluxDB: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- What the heck is time-series data (and why do I need a time-series database)?
- Introduction to Time Series Databases
- Scaling MQTT Using Kafka
- From MQTT to Kafka with Connect and Stream Reactor
- MQTT to Kafka to InfluxDB. Orchestrate the IoT data flows
- MQTT. Apache Kafka. InfluxDB. SQL. IoT harmony.
- What is the difference between MQTT broker and Apache Kafka
- How can Kafka mqtt connector send mqtt topic as key?
- Bridges
- IoT and Apache Kafka
- how is Kafka different from Mosquitto(MQTT)
- Scaling MQTT Using Kafka
- From MQTT to Kafka with Connect and Stream Reactor
- How can Kafka mqtt connector send mqtt topic as key?
- IoT and Apache Kafka
- Choosing an MQTT broker for your IoT project
- HiveMQ Blog
- Broker Selection
- Coursera
- Linkedin Comparision
- What’s Wrong with MQTT?
- IoT Developer Survey 2018
- Realtime Risk Management Using Kafka, Python, and Spark Streaming
- Video Stream Analytics Using OpenCV, Kafka and Spark Technologies
- Pandas vs. Spark: how to handle dataframes
- From Pandas to Apache Spark’s DataFrame
- An Overview of Kafka Distributed Message System
- Announcing Kafka Connect: Building large-scale low-latency data pipelines
- Kafka connect or Kafka Client
- Why We Replaced Our Kafka Connector with a Kafka Consumer
- Connector Developer Guide
- Kafka: The Definitive Guide
- kafka-connect-http
- kafka-connect-storage-cloud
- kafka-connect-twitter
- kafka-mqtt-connector
- Apache Kafka and Confluent Enterprise Reference Architecture
- Connector Development Guide
- The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction
- Robust Message Serialization in Apache Kafka Using
- Comparing Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, Microsoft Event Hubs and Google Pub/Sub
- Lessons learned form Kafka in production
- Eclipse Hono – Connecting large numbers of IoT devices
- Building Open Source IoT Cloud
- When NOT to Use Modbus
- IIoT Protocol Comparison
- Modbus Protokolü
- Modbus RTU verses Modbus TCP/IP: What's the Difference?
- Modbus FAQ: About The Modbus Organization
- Real-Time Streaming Data Pipelines with Apache APIs: Kafka, Spark Streaming, and HBase
- Industrial IoT is the new tech on the block, but can it take on the SCADA?
- Using SCADA data for IIoT just became much easier
- 4 Key Differences Between SCADA and Industrial IoT
- Prometheus vs. Graphite: Which Should You Choose for Time Series or Monitoring?
- Monitoring Containerized Application Health with Docker
- What the heck is time-series data (and why do I need a time-series database)?
- What are Progressive Web Apps?
- Progressive Web Apps
- What are Progressive Web Apps?
- Seriously, though. What is a progressive web app?
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- Vaadin 14 Simplifies Progressive Web App Development on the Java Platform