PyTorch code about predictive-coding-inspired variational recurrent neural network model (PV-RNN)
System requirements
-OS: Ubuntu (18.04)
-Python (3.7.10)
-Pytorch (1.8.1+cpu) -
Installation guide
If you have established Python environment, you may only have to install Pytorch according to instructions on the official website ( As needed, please install python packages such as matplotlib, glob, numpy, yaml, os, sys, and time. The installs may take no longer than half an hour. -
Demo and Instructions
The folder structure is below.
–”networks/”: Some python codes defining PV-RNN structures and functions (e.g., initialization, forward generation)
–“example/”: Codes for setting network hyperparameters and executing program (training).
・“”: Main code for running program
・“network_config.yaml”: Hyperparameter setting
・“result_training/”, “trained_model/”: Results are saved here
・“target/”: Target data is placed here (target0000.txt ~ target0023: Self-produced condition, target0024.txt ~ target0047: Externally produced condition)
・“”, “”: Some supplemental functions read by “”
・"": Program for generating figure
–”networks/”: Some python codes defining PV-RNN structures and functions (e.g., initialization, forward generation)
–“example/”: Codes for setting network parameters and executing program (online inference test).
・“”: Main code for running program
・“network_config.yaml”: Hyperparameter setting
・“result_ER/”: Results are saved here
・“target/”: Target data (test data) is placed here
・“”, “”, “”: Some supplemental functions read by “”
・“generate*.npy”, “model*.npy”: Trained parameters read by “”
・"": Program for generating figure
3-1. Learning experiment (It may take about one day and a half to train one neural network.)
cd /training/example/
#Trained model and reproduced timeseries will be saved every 5000 learning epoch as
#"/training/example/trained_model/model_*.pth" and "/training/example/result_training/generate_*.npy". can be used to generate figures (pdf files) of developmental trajectory of sensory attenuation
#saved in “/training/example/”.
3-2. Test experiment (8 trials by one neural network may take about one hour.)
#You have to copy “model_00200000.pth” and “generate_00200000.npy” (learning results) into "/test/example/"
#, although I put an example of the baseline model by default.
#If you want to set a trained model other than the defalt,
cp /training/example/trained_model/model_00200000.pth /test/example/
cp /training/example/result_training/generate_00200000.npy /test/example/
#Test trial run
cd /test/example/
#Timeseries for each trial will be saved in “/test/example/result_ER/sit01/seq01/ite050/window010/lr0090/”
#("seq01" can be "seq01"~"seq08", corresponding to different trials). can be used to generate figure (pdf file) of timeseries for each trial
#saved in “/test/example/result_ER/sit01/seq01/ite050/window010/lr0090/” ("seq01" can be "seq01"~"seq08").