Codes for Optimal ANN-SNN Conversion for High-accuracy and Ultra-low-latency Spiking Neural Networks
Please first change the variable "DIR" at File ".Preprocess\", line 9 to your own dataset directory
Train model with QCFS-Layer
python train --bs=BATACHSIZE --model={vgg16, resnet18} --data={cifar10, cifar100, imagenet} --id=YOUR_MODEL_NAME --l=QUANTIZATION_STEP
Test accuracy in ann mode or snn mode
python test --bs=BATACHSIZE --model={vgg16, resnet18} --data={cifar10, cifar100, imagenet} --id=YOUR_MODEL_NAME --mode={ann, snn} --t=SIMULATION_TIME
One pretrained model at
The paper in the openreview has a little problem with the derivative of