Migrate your old C4D stuff to your new C4D place
- Install new Cinema 4D version.
- Run C4D Migration script as Administrator
Currently Syncs:
- Default C4D scene file ( if stored in %appdata%\Maxon Cinema 4D [Version]_XXXXXXXX )
- Aturtur scripts/plugin preferences
- Custom Global PopUp Menu
- Xpresso xgroups and xnodes
- Scripts
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Correction:
- Migrated shortcuts are copied but do not load. You will need to add a custom shortcut for C4D to make a new "Cinema 4D R25 (modified).res" file first.
- You will need to manually edit the new file ( Cinema 4D R25 (modified).res ): located in %appdata%\Maxon Cinema 4D [Version]_XXXXXXXX\prefs\shortcuts
- From the old shortcuts file ( Cinema 4D 2024 (modified).res ): Copy everything after -- "PLUGIN_CMD_431000216 ALT+"W";"
- In the new shortcuts file: Paste after -- "IDM_MODELING_SPLIT OPTIONMODE "U"~SHIFT+"P";"
- Correction:
- Custom layouts ( some older palettes may need to be replaced )
- All plugins stored in %programfiles%\Maxon Cinema 4D [Version]\plugins and %appdata%\Maxon Cinema 4D [Version]_XXXXXXXX\plugins
- C4D_migration_v3.0.0 DOES NOT copy Redshift from %programfiles%\Maxon Cinema 4D [Version]\plugins )
- You will need to update some plugins after migration, ( i.e. GSG Hub, GSG Studio connector, X-Particles ) to thier latest version.
Currently Disabled: ( Can be uncommented )
- Browser .lib4d catalogs
- Commandline folder plugins symbolic link creation
- Does not transfer C4D in-app or plugin preferences ( i.e. asset paths, navigation / timeline settings, etc... )
- It is recommended to take screenshots of all C4D preferences from the previous version. You will have to manually apply them.
Please share any updates you make.
- A fully integrated migration on app upgrade. (similar to how After Effects migrates setting, scripts, plugins, etc...)
- Ability to sync/save In-App preferences ( i.e. asset paths, navigation / timeline settings, etc... )
- Automated keyboard shortcut updater script or plugin. A method of automatically duplicating a modified version of the new shortcuts file and appending into that file, the custom shortcuts from the previous version's shortcuts(modified).res file.
Original script (v1) by James Lashmar
- https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7113126264814620672/
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/va9z5aib9xueexom46msi/C4D_migration.bat?rlkey=swwsvfye8nyezfhkw4yzl5o0i&dl=0
Modified (v2-3) by Jason Schwarz
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/larrs94wkujjqzmo6rogt/h?rlkey=jywh921tnp0oaa0grqn8ituuq&dl=0
- https://github.com/h3llolovely/C4D-Migration-Script
Change log:
1.0.0 (02.10.2023)
- Initial release
2.0.0 (03.10.2023)
- Added migrate new.c4d file to Program Files
- Added Migrate Aturtur Prefs
- Added Migrate xgroups and xnodes
- Added Prompt for Layout migration
- Added Block comment to skip SymLink creation for Commandline and TeamRender
2.0.1 (02.01.2024)
- Removed migrate new.c4d from Program Files [Maxon removed option in 2024]
- Added ProgramFiles Xnodes
- Added AppData\MAXON copy shortcut to set install directories.
- Added Open migrated directories in File Explorer.
2.0.2 (04.18.2024)
- Added AppData/prefs/c4d_M_GLOBAL_POPUP.res
3.0.0 (09.10.2024)
- Mostly replaced Xcopy with Robocopy to exclude Redshift, Commented out Browser .lib4d section.