A list of needs, lists, tips and helpful resources to organize and run a Hackathon.
Table of Contents
- Organization and Process
- Attendees
- Sponsors
- Marketing and Communication
- Food and drinks
- Infrastructure
- Several
- Templates
- Similar resources
- Theme (topic and helpful resources)
- Set Badget
- Schedule (registration, hacking days, presentations, results)
- Location and space
- Dates and deadlines per task
- Presentations guide and rules
- Evaluation criteria
- Code of conduct and rules
- Legal terms
- Prizes
- Submission requirements
- Mentoring needs
- Help desk and online help (eg slack channel)
- Online form to submit reviews, instant online results
- Related talks and presentation (before the event)
- Reception
- Take photos and videos
- Attendees (limit, requirements, emails)
- Team/Attendee registration form
- Swags
- T-shirts
- Badges and stickers
- Event IDs
- After event Feedback form
- Payments
- Invoices
- What we offer (short list on pdf)
- Pre-hackathon talks (how to, when, duration, location)
- Bring your promotional stuff
- Material for posters, website and media (eg logo, short description and links)
- Sponsor emails
- Branding (logo, graphics, banners, colors)
- Website
- Google Analytics
- Poster
- Media partners
- Media announcement
- Media kit (about the event pdf, logos and links)
- Social media (twitter, FB)
- Email campaign & newsletter
- Contact lists of attendees
- After event media announcement
- After event statistics
- After event outcome and thank you email to Sponsors
- After event outcome and thank you email to Teams
- Submit the event on lists (eg Hackalist)
- Food
- Drinks
- Coffee
- Water
- Refrigerator
- Plastic cups
- Knifes, forks, spoons
- Sugar, salt etc
- Projector
- Wifi and Internet connection
- Heating/Air Condition
- Desks
- Chairs
- Hight spped internet wifi
- Cables, plugs etc
- Plugs
- Soap
- Toilet paper
- White paper (blank pages)