The group formerly known as Code For Greenville, and this GitHub Pages hosted website for the domain, existed from 2014 into 2023.
As of June 30, 2023, Code For America officially withdrew fiscal sponsorship and use of the "Code For" trademark to all national brigades, including Code For Greenville.
After July 1st, 2023, contributors can get involved with two re-branded efforts:
- For ongoing civic projects, connect with Code For The Carolina (which itself will rebrand by the end of 2023)
- For local tech APIs and OpenData projects, see the HackGreenville Labs repositories on GitHub and connect with the team in the #hg-labs channel on the HackGreenville Slack
Note: GitHub pages makes it sound like it supports redirects for the apex domain AND the www domain, but it only redirects for http://. The redirect does not work for https and is not supported.