A small script to decode Base64 cells in a CSV and output them as files.
- Python3
- openpyxl library (
pip3 install openpyxl
python3 script.py -f test1.csv -o output -u -e txt
There is no definitive way to know if a string is Base64 encoded or just might be so it takes it's best guess. Some output files might be garbage.
REQUIRED The CSV file that the script should attempt to open.
REQUIRED The directory that the script should output files to
OPTIONAL The extension you would like to append to output files (default is none)
OPTIONAL Instructs the script to only look at a single row rather than all rows
OPTIONAL Instructs the script to only look at a single column rather than all columns
OPTIONAL The location to write the output log to
OPTIONAL If flagged, will overwrite existing output files
OPTIONAL Print out additional information to the console/logs.