Hogwasrt Sorting House App
Hogwarts game. How have to guess to which house belogs a hero.
Here is the main flow:
The app consists of 3 screens: Home, List and Details.
Display randomly selected personage on the Home screen (photo and full name of character).
Load different personage by pull-to-refresh gesture on the Home screen.
Allow to click the House buttons to guess the affiliation of this character.
On every choice, recalculate total/success/failed affiliations and display numbers in the boxes at the top of the Home and List screens.
The “Reset” button should flush all previously guessed personages and make all total values equal to zero.
On the List screen display previously guessed affiliations (successful and failed) and the amount of attempts for every character (until successfully guessed). After successfull guess score resets to zero.
By clicking on the Reload button against the particular character, load this character on the Home screen with the House buttons again.
By clicking on the character item row on the List screen, open the Details screen. Display personage information only in case this personage has been guessed right.
What did I add:
If you guessed the hero it auto renews if not you can repeat till the wholy victory.
For tests simplyfing house is written under the hero name.
Linter is done.
What I did and what I could not:
I did it with Expo but it also could be a React Natice CLI
Instead of Expo-router it is possible to use React Navigation or React-router
I used React-query but it could be React-Context or Redux
I did not use React.memo, useMemo & useCallback not to overload this shy app, but React-query providers state isolation by setting up every property separetely.
I made a custom hook to simplify access to state via React-query and reduce amount of code. Seems it looks better
For some icons I used react-native-vector-icons lib
I did not manage to do smooth animation between screens, it created problems.
I did not manage to reproduce design completely, especially styled borders.
npm install
npx react-native start
It seems working as expected. It was an extremely interesting and developing journey through the mobile Hogwarts adventures with React-query.