What are we doing:
In this tutorial we build the first set of components of the modern web app. To accelerate our application launching we are going to put a lot of material from https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-modern-application-workshop/tree/python into cloudformation.
- Get on the wireless network.
- Get a good text editor. Your options are Notepad++, Visual Studio Code - basically anything you know how to use that can compare two text files side by side.
- Find Adrian and ask him to send you the $50 voucher code
Log in to your AWS Account
Choose the region Ohio - Us-east-2. THIS IS IMPORTANT. The entire demo is only in this region. Do not use any other regions.
Go to Services, EC2, click "Key Pairs", Create a key pair called mysfits. This is case sensitive. If you created Mysfits, MYSFITS - you will not deploy and things will start failing. If you have misspelt it - just create a new one.
Once you have your voucher - apply it as per instructions in the email.