- Python 3.7
- Playwright
- Docker Installed (if to execute tests on docker)
pip install pytest-playwright
playwright install
pip install -r requirements.txt
create .env file and copy contents of .env.example file into .env file
run following command to execute all tests
run following command to execute single test by test name
pytest -k "test_name_of_test"
Running tests in headed mode
pytest --headed
Running Tests on specific browsers
pytest --browser webkit
Test Generator
playwright codegen demo.playwright.dev/todomvc
Emulate devices
pytest --device="iPhone 11"
To create the docker image of playwright python, execute following command and it will take sometime
docker build -t playwright_python .
To execute tests on docker container, execute following command
docker run -it --env-file .env playwright_python
Also you can use following command as well
docker compose up
After executing tests to view HTML report, excute following command, just replance container_id with your container_id on which teste executed
docker cp conatiner_id:/app/report.html ./report.html
For more documentation go to playwright and pytest official sites