This implements simple logic for orderbook for exchange
- Every exchange need and order book handler with in/out orders. So this litle guy is to handle many order of any pair to filter a open order book with bid/aks structure.
- Idealy, all order of a pair with same price with be group into an record orderbook, each record is identyfied by order's price and order's pairID
there are 2 part of this app
API : REST API for CRUD Pair, Currency, User, Order, Orderbook
Orderbook Logic : an matcher to filter input order and tell user that whether his/her order is matched with the existing order? if yes then fill that order, other wise insert into orderbook.
- there are 4 scenario when an order is insert
- FULL_FILLED: 0 : new order is matched and able to be fully filed by the existing orderbook.
- FULL_FILLED_WITH_REMAIN: 1 : new order is matched and able to be fully filed by the existing orderbook record and orderbook record still left some remaining.
- PARTIAL_FILLED: 2 : new order is matched and able to be partial filed by the existing orderbook, so there is new sub-order will be created.
- NEW_ORDER: 3 : new order is not matched, and insert it to the order book.
- there are 4 scenario when an order is insert
Order info
- BUY : 0
- SELL : 1
Mockup db inserted
- { "pairID" : 1, "pairName" : "USD_ETH", "baseCurrency" : 0, "secondCurrency" : 1 }
- { "pairID" : 2, "pairName" : "USD_BTC", "baseCurrency" : 0, "secondCurrency" : 2, }
- { "pairID" : 3, "pairName" : "ETH_BTC", "baseCurrency" : 1, "secondCurrency" : 2 }
- { "currencyID" : 0, "currencyName" : "USD", }
- { "currencyID" : 1, "currencyName" : "ETH", }
- { "currencyID" : 2, "currencyName" : "BTC", }
git clone
cd SimpleOrderbook
NOTE : if running without docker,then it need to have mongodb and nodejs installed
npm i
node app.js
NOTE : please make sure that pc has docker installed
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- app running default by port 3001 and data base name is
- it should be an GUI for this, but I just cant make it for now. so I set up API doc via swagger. api document is available on http://localhost:3001/api-docs
- after app was start, there will be 3 pairs of currencies were added. demo step :
- user need to register first by api
example : userId :user1
, password :user1
- since done registering, user now can insert order by api POST
- get order boook by api GET
- get user balance by api GET
my test dependency referency
- mongodb : v4.0.10
- nodejs : v10.16.0
- Docker version 18.09.6, build 481bc77