Starting Stopping and Resuming Training
Usage Initialize :
python --checkpoints 'output/checkpoints'
python --checkpoints 'output/checkpoints'
--model 'output/checkpoints/epoch_35.h5' --start-epoch 40
--checkpoints : The path to our output checkpoints directory.
--model : The optional path to a specific model checkpoint to load when resuming training.
--start-epoch : The optional start epoch can be provided if you are resuming training. By default, training starts at epoch 0
EpochCheckpoint : This callback is responsible for saving our model as it currently stands at the conclusion of every epoch. That way, if we stop training via ctrl + c (or an unforeseeable power failure), we don’t lose our machine’s work — for training complex models on huge datasets, this could quite literally save you days of time.
TrainingMonitor : A callback that saves our training accuracy/loss information as a PNG image plot and JSON dictionary. We’ll be able to open our training plot at any time to see our training progress — valuable information to you as the practitioner, especially for multi-day training processes.