Code preparation for Training xbd dataset for classification task
Before seting up the environment, clone this git repository. The first step involves preparing a Python conda environment. You can download Anaconda from here. Note that the corresponding python version required is Python3.7. Once downloaded and installed use the following codes to setup and activate the environment
cd \path\to\code\directory(i-e downloaded git repo --> to be refered as code directory ahead)
conda -V
conda update conda
conda create -n xview2 python=3.7 anaconda
conda activate xview2 && conda install pip
Once done use the following command to install tensorflow backend for GPU support. It is to be noted that tensorflow requires a compatiblity between tensorflow-gpu version , cuda version , cudnn version and installed drivers version. Please refer to this article for further details. It is recommended to validate the correct installation of gpu support before moving ahead.
pip install numpy tensorflow-gpu && conda install cupy
for non-gpu version you can use
pip install numpy tensorflow
Once completed install the following dependencies
pip install opencv-contrib-python
conda install -n xview2 shapely
conda install -n xview2 -c conda-forge keras
Finally you can run the following command to install the dependencies of requirements.txt file avalible in the code directory.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The next step involves downloading the dataset. The same dataset in availble here. Once downloaded, unzip and place the train dataset in the code directory in a folder named Dataset. The directory structure must be as following
This step involves extraction of damaged building instances from post damaged train images in the Dataset folder through the given annotations, cropping the same and saving them in processed_data folder along with labels in csv folder. Note that lablels are already availble in the csv folder, you can either use the same by creating their backup at this stage as otherwise they will be overwritten. In the conda environment run the following script
python --input_dir ./Dataset --output_dir ./processed_data --output_dir_csv ./csv --val_split_pct 0.2
On successful completion, a total number of 1,62,788 image files would be created occupying a harddisk space of ~3.06 GB with 20% as validation data and 80% as test data
Before using the classifier training script, it is noted that this script prepared as a pilot code just for meant to evaluate different aspects of the classifier training as well as the dataset itself. Therefore the log created by conda during execution is critical to evaluate the correct implementation of code. Important parts of log includes whether code validates all images taken from processed_data folder, runs on gpu, etc. Furthermore it would also help in identifying any error or bugs in codes. A backup of log even if all runs smoothly will be highly recommended.
Use the following script to run this code:
python --train_data ./processed_data --train_csv ./csv --test_data ./processed_data --test_csv ./csv --model_out ./output
The model uses different inbuild as well as external callbacks for logging and saving models in Output folder. It currently uses Resnet101 model available in model folder. Note that the output folder contains a live performance monitoring via an image file. Currently model is set to train for only 100 epochs. The idea was to monitor the performance and set the learning rate and other parameters accordingly.
Jupyter Colab notebook has been added here. Refer the same for implementation guidance.
If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing
author = {{Rafique, Hamza}},
title = {Experimenting with xBD classification task for xview2 challenge using Keras},
year = {2019},
version = {1.0}
address = {Air University, ISB. [email protected]},
url = {}