A python API wrapper that pulls user's repos and plots the stars acquired for each repo using pygal.
Must have python installed.
We need the 'requests' module to request information from a website and examine the response. To download run the following:
pip install --user requests
To produce vector graphic files we will use Python's visualization package Pygal. Run the following command to install:
pip intsall --user pygal
Clone the project to a local repo.
Open terminal and navigate to the repository you cloned the project to.
If you would like to cutomize the wrapper to plot your repos, edit the 'github_wrapper.py' file and replace the url.
Edit the following line and replace 'hamza15' with your username:
url = 'https://api.github.com/users/hamza15/repos?q=language:python&sort=stars'
To execute, open terminal and navigate to the directory you cloned this repo to and run with the following command :
python github_wrapper.py
Running the script will create a file github_wrapper.svg in your current directory.
Open the python_repos.svg with chrome or any other browser available.