MiLight-Web is a complete web interface for your MiLight setup. It uses the MiLight Control Interface, which is a powerful Python API to control MiLight LED bulbs and strips (White and RGBW).
Development, updates, feature requests, etc. see
It supports al basic interface operations, and a few more.
MiLight products are also known under the name LimitlessLED, and EasyBulb Lamps.
Checkout the source from github:
git clone
First create a Python 3 virtual environment (or install the required packages directly), activate the virtual environment, and install the required packages:
cd MiLight-Web
python3 -m venv flask
source flask/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now MiLight-Web is ready for action.
Make sure there is at the least one MiLight brige on your network, and test the application. First make sure that you are in the virtual environment:
source flask/bin/activate
Start MiLight-Web:
Running MiLight-Web in this way works, but is not recommended (security and performance reasons).
It is recommended to use wsgi and nginx to run MiLight-Web. When enables via systemd, this also ensures that it start automatically after a reboot.
Depending on your distro, install nginx using your application repository (apt, pacman, etc.).
First setup a systemd service to start wsgi with MiLight-Web. Make sure to replace the parts enclosed in <>, with the correct values (paths or names).
Create a text file named milightweb.service with the following content:
Description=uWSGI instance to serve MiLight-Web
ExecStart=<MILIGHT_WEB_PATH>/flask/bin/uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
Replace <MILIGHT_WEB_PATH> with the path containing the (where you/git cloned the repository).
Create a text file named uwsgi.ini with the following content:
module = wsgi:app
master = true
processes = 3
socket = /home/patrick/mw/milightweb.sock
chmod-socket = 666
vacuum = true
die-on-term = true
Replace <MILIGHT_WEB_PATH> with the path containing the (where you/git cloned the repository).
Create a text file named nginx.conf with the following content:
server {
listen 80;
# server_name server_domain_or_IP;
root /var/www/html;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix://<MILIGHT_WEB_PATH>/milightweb.sock;
Replace <MILIGHT_WEB_PATH> with the path containing the (where you/git cloned the repository).
We now have three files created:
- milightweb.service
- uwsgi.ini
- nginx.conf
Now copy the files to the correct locations. Note that this must be done as root user (sudo). Note that these location might be different depending on your Linux distribution (tested on ArchLinux):
cp milightweb.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/milightweb.conf
Note the name change for nginx.conf.
Now it is time to test and start your system. First check (as root/sudo) if nginx likes your configuration (or if it has errors):
nginx -t
Then start the milightweb and nginx service (as root/sudo):
systemctl start milightweb.service
systemctl start nginx
After this your MiLight-Web instance should be reachable via the computers IP address
The installation notes are (currently) written as I remember them. These need refinement and this will be done eventually.
The installation notes are based on a Raspberry Pi with ArchLinux. Some steps might take a long time to complete (for example installing the requirements.txt, where the uwsgi needs to compile some files).
~~ Patrick