Tool for spawning a shell with limited network capabilities.
netem arguments
--delay-dl= / --delay-ul=
Specify the average delay in ms on the down-link/up-link.
--delay-deviation-dl= / --delay-deviation-ul=
Specify the standard deviation of the delay as ms on the down-link/up-link.
--loss-rate-dl= / --loss-rate-ul=
Specify the loss rate on the down-link/up-link.
--bandwidth-dl= / --bandwidth-ul=
Specify the available bandwidth on the down-link/up-link.
Specify the IP address set within the virtual network namespace. Do not combine with --network but DO combine with --external-ip.
Specify the IP address given to the interface within the default system namespace. Do not combine with --network but DO combine with --internal-ip.
$ sudo netem --bandwidth-dl=0.5 --bandwidth-ul=0.2 --delay-dl=100 --delay-ul=100 --delay-deviation-ul=50 --delay-deviation-dl=50
netem-prompt:/my-folder$ RUN_ANY_COMMAND
Install requirements
To install some requirements on a Debian based system (Debian 8 "Jessie" / Ubuntu 16.04 or later):
sudo apt-get install openvswitch-switch ethtool make
git clone
cd netem
sudo make install