Unit Test:
Payara:[Payara 6.2022.1 Final supports Jakarta EE 10, there is no a stable version for Jakarta EE 9/9.1. If you are a Payara user, stay on Payara 5/JakartaEE 8 or upgrade Payara 6/JakartaEE 10]
Apache TomEE:
The goal of Jakarta EE 9 Starter Boilerplate is providing a simple template to help developers to start a workable and testable Jakarta EE 9 project in seconds. And it also includes my personal development notes when migrating to Jakarta EE 9 platform.
- Upgrading to Jakarta EE 9
- Deploying to Glassfish v6.0 using Cargo maven plugin
- Remote Deployment to Glassfish v6.0 using Cargo local deployer
- Deploying to Payara using Cargo maven plugin
- Deploying to WildFly
- Deploying with WildFly Bootable Jar
- Deploying to Open Liberty
- Deploying to Apache TomEE using Cargo maven plugin
- Deploying to Apache TomEE
- Testing with Arquillian and Weld Container
- Testing with Arquillian and Glassfish v6
- Testing with Arquillian and Open Liberty
- Testing with Arquillian and WildFly
- Testing with Arquillian and Payara