NativeSubprocess is a linux native process for android bridge。
it creates a child process by NDK calling linux fork function. callback your android java code run in the child process inside. Such as Watchdog(sample ProcessWatcher)to monitor your android app service, call up the customer satisfaction survey feedback page(sample UninstallWatcher) when uninstalling your applications.
How to use
import subprocess aar . add repositories maven { url '' } add dependencies compile 'com.github.droidwolf:libsubprocess:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
implements Subprocess class and override runOnSubprocess function.
Finally, create your child process call by Subprocess.create function.
安全软件卸载后调出浏览器苦苦哀求"主人,为什么要抛弃我..."页面是怎么做到的?service经常莫名挂了肿么办?用 NativeSubprocess一切都很简单。
NativeSubprocess 是一个可以让你在android 程序中创建linux子进程并执行你的java代码的so库。由于市面上典型的内存清理工具值清理apk 包关联的进程,而不会处理linux原生进程,所以NativeSubprocess 可以做什么您懂滴!
- 进程监控 ProcessWatcher;
- 卸载反馈 UninstallWatcher。
droidwolf [email protected]