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Implementation of Hash Table with sperate chaning and linear probing

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Hash Tables


In this project, you will have to implement an abstraction over a phonebook; a collections of pairs of type <Full_Name,Phone_Number>. Your phonebook will support both name-based search and phone-based search. Here is a pictorial view of the project:

High-level view of phonebook

To make both types of searches efficient, your phonebook will internally maintain a pair of hash tables from Strings to Strings: One will have the person's name as a key and the phone number as a value, and the other one will have the phone number as a key and the name as a value! In your simple phonebook, entry uniqueness is guaranteed: Every person has exactly one phone number, and every phone number is associated with exactly one person.

Getting Started

As before, this project is provided to you through a GitLab repository. If you are viewing this on the web, you should clone either the master repository or your personal repository. After you have cloned the project, you should study the JavaDocs and source code provided to understand how your methods can be used (and tested). The classes you have to implement are under the package hashes.

Provided Code

Class hierarchy

UML diagram of code structure

The above diagram depicts the code structure for the project. Simple lines reflect one-to-many "has-a" relations, while arrows show "is-a" relations (derived class, implemented interface, etc.). The top-level class of the project is Phonebook. What is interesting about Phonebook is that it has been implemented for you! However, the methods of Phonebook depend on methods of the interface HashTable, which is implemented (directly or through OpenAddressingHashTable) by the four classes which you will have to implement. What you will need to do is complete the implementation of these four classes so that their methods can support the methods of Phonebook. The Release Tests primarily test methods of Phonebook (approximately 90% of their code), while a smaller number of tests check if you are implementing basic hash table functionality correctly (e.g. resizings, see below).

The various methods of Phonebook will have to run in amortized constant time (except for size() and isEmpty(), which should run in constant time). This does not take into account the case of an insertion or deletion that results in a resizing of the array; we want amortized constant time assuming that a resizing does not occur in that particular operation. We will be checking your source code after submission to make sure you are not implementing the methods inefficiently (e.g. logarithmic complexity, linear complexity, or even worse)!

In practice, the only way you can do this is by not consulting the hash function at all for your operations; just looping over the entire table until you either find the element (remove, containsKey) or you find an empty position (put). While this would indeed allow you to pass the tests, we will be checking your submission to make sure you consult the hash function! Implementing all operations as mentioned above would constrain them to be linear time, which is unacceptable for both the project (ie, no credit for this project) and Computer Science as a whole. That said, not all of the methods you implement make use of the hash function, which means that their complexity parameters will necessarily be different. (Can you find any such methods?)

You should fill in the public methods of SeparateChainingHashTable, LinearProbingHashTable, OrderedLinearProbingHashTable, and QuadraticProbingHashTable. For the last three classes, you might find that some of the methods have the exact same source code. You would then benefit by making them protected methods in the OpenAddressingHashTable class, which those three classes extend!

Interfaces, abstract classes, and the protected access modifier

In the code base, you might notice that HashTable is a Java interface. On the otehr hand, OpenAddressingHashTable is an abstract class. Abstract classes in Java are almost like interfaces, except they are allowed to contain fields and their members do not default to public. Similarly to interfaces, one cannot instantiate an abstract class.

The choice of making OpenAddressingHashTable an abstract class is deliberate; several methods and fields of all your Openly Addressed hash tables are common across all of these classes. Therefore, it makes sense to package them into one place and debug them in one place. Unfortunately, Java interfaces do not allow for storing fields, but only methods, which are also implicitly public. Essentially, the HashTable interface tells us what kinds of methods any HashTable instance ought to satisfy. For example, every HashTable instance needs to provide a method called put, with two String arguments, key and value, as well as a return value of type Probes. Refer to the section on Classes under utils for a short diatribe on this small class. It should also answer questions of key containment (containsKey(String key)) and queries of its current stored key count (size()) and capacity (capacity()).

On the other hand, any Openly Addressed Hash Table needs to have some common fields and functionality. They all need an array over KVPair instances. They all need to answer queries of size and capacity in $O(1)$. They can all benefit from an overriding of toString(), which we provide for you and is very useful for debugging1. Therefore, this entire piece of common functionality can (and should) be packages in one common place, and this place in our code base is OpenAddressingHashTable.

You might notice that all the fields and methods of OpenAddressingHashTable besides toString() are labeled with the protected access modifier. protected essentially means: "visible by derived classes". In more detail, every identifier (name) of a field or a method that has been declared protected in a base class can be straightforwardly accessed from a derived class by its name, without any prepending of base class name or of any other name. This is very useful for your code! You might notice that LinearProbingHashTable, OrderedLinearProbingHashTable, and QuadraticProbingHashTable, all classes that you must implement, have no private fields (but if you would like to add some, please go right ahead). In fact, our own implementation of the project does not add any extra fields in the classes (but we do use private methods for readability).

This is, of course, not a perfect approach towards building this code base. For example, you might notice that SeparateChainingHashTable, the only collision resolution method you have to implement that is not an Open Addressing method, necessarily has to declare some private fields that we also see in OpenAddressingHashTable. Also, somebody can argue that since OrderedLinearProbingHashTable has so many common characteristics (the Collision Resolution Methods section analyzes this in some detail) with LinearProbingHashTable, one could make the former a subclass of the latter. You can come up with many different approaches of refactoring this code base, but PLEASE DON'T, OTHERWISE YOU MIGHT END UP NOT PASSING ANY OF OUR UNIT TESTS! The only thing you can do is add your own private fields or methods in the classes you have to implement and, in the case of the three Open Addressing methods you have to implement, you can move some of the common code you build as protected methods in OpenAddressingHashTable. See the comments at the very end of that class's definition for a relevant prompt.

The tl;dr of what you can and cannot change in the code base is this: unit tests test public functionality and they also need to be aware of type information at compile-time, since Java is a strongly typed language.

  • Are you in any way breaking the public methods' signatures and/or return types?
  • Are you in any way altering the code base's hierarchy by making classes extend other classes and interfaces?

If the answer to both of these questions is no, you are good, otherwise you are not good.

Classes under hashes

Besides the classes you have to implement, you are given the following classes under the package hashes:

  • CollisionResolver: A simple enum which only contains four named fields, disambiguating between the various collision resolution methods that you will have to implement.
  • HashTable: The top-level interface discussed in the previous two sections.
  • OpenAddressingHashTable: The abstract class discussed in the previous two sections.

Classes under utils

The package utils will be indispensable to you. Here is a short description of what every class in the package does. Refer to the JavaDocs for a complete and concrete description of arguments, returns values, Exceptions thrown, etc. Without consulting the JavaDocs, you are extremely likely to not be passing several tests. For example, some of our tests expect that you will throw particular Exception instances in certain cases: The JavaDoc is your only guide in those situations! This list is just a high-level understanding of the methods.

  • KVPair: An important abstraction for Key-Value pairs. Time and again in this class, we have conveyed to you that we are assuming that the value with which a particular (and unique) key is associated is what we are really interested in, and the keys are only useful for somehow organizing the potentially infinite set of values, such that we can insert, search, and delete as efficiently as possible, taking into consideration issues of cache locality, where our memory resides, how hard these K-V stores are to implement, etc.

    KVPair implements exactly that: it is a simple class which encapsulates both the key and the value into one place so that we can access the value from the key in $O(1)$. In C/C++, we would probably have replaced it with a struct.

  • KVPairList: An explicitly coded linked list that holds KVPair instances. It is only useful for SeparateChainingHashTable. If you are wondering why we opted for coding an entirely new list instead of simply using one of Java's several generic Lists, refer to the FAQ at the end for an explanation of how Java treats arrays of generic types, such as KVPairList. The short answer is: not well at all.

  • KVPairListTests: A simple unit testing library for KVPairList.

  • PrimeGenerator: A very important singleton class which controls the re-sizing parameters for all of your HashTable instances. In lecture, we have discussed the importance of keeping the size of your hash table to a prime number. This class helps us with that. In particular, you should study the JavaDocs for getNextPrime() and getPreviousPrime(), since you will certainly be using those methods for your own purposes. Both of these methods run in constant time, since we have already stored a large list of primes as a static shared field of the PrimeGenerator class, and the various primes can be accessed by indexing into that field.

  • PrimeGeneratorTests: A simple unit testing library for PrimeGenerator.

  • NoMorePrimesException: A type of RuntimeException that PrimeGenerator uses when it runs out of primes to provide to an application.

  • Probes: Arguably the most important class for your testing and understanding. The most important operations of HashTable instances, which are put, get, and remove, all return Probes instances. These instances contain the value of a key that was inserted, sought, or deleted (null in the case of a failure of any kind), and, crucially, the number of probes that it took for the operation to succeed or fail. In this way, we can determine if you have understood how the collision resolution methods are supposed to work! Specifically, what the length of a collision chain ought to be dynamically, during execution of the code with successive operations on the same HashTable instance. A reminder that even an immediately successful or unsuccessful insertion, deletion, or search still counts as one probe.

Collision Resolution Methods

Given that the number of keys to store (e.g. individual ATM transactions over the entire state of Maryland for a large bank organization) is enormous and the available space to store them in computer memory is much smaller, collisions are inevitable, even with an excellent hash function. It therefore becomes important to develop collision resolution methods, whose job is to determine how an insertion of a key that collides with an existing key is resolved.

Separate Chaining

The most natural collision resolution method that we examine is Separate Chaining. In your code, this collision resolution method corresponds to SeparateChainingHashTable. An example of this method can be seen in the figure below. Note that it is not necessary that we employ a linked list, or any list for that matter, for implementing the collision "chains". We could just as well use an AVL Tree, a Red-Black or B-Tree, or a SkipList! The benefit of using a linked list for our collision chains is that we can insert very fast (by adding to the front or, in this project, by adding to the back with a tail pointer). The drawback is that we have linear time for search, but with $M$ relatively large and a good hash function, we are hoping that the collision chains will, on average, have length $\frac{n}{M}$, which is still linear time but offers a favorable constant of $\frac{1}{M}$.

Separate Chaining example

As seen in the class hierarchy, SeparateChainingHashTable is the only class you have to implement which is not derived from OpenAddressingHashTable. This is intuitive: this method is the only one that stores keys outside the table. It is wasteful in terms of memory, though, since for a table of capacity $c$ we are spending $4c$ bytes (for 32-bit Java references). If $c=1000000000$, that is 4GB used just to point to the data that interests us! However, it is very easy to implement, it is very useful for estimating the quality of our hash function, and it is also very useful if we want to retrieve a pointer to a different container as our value (e.g. AVL Tree, a linked list, another hash...).

Linear Probing

Linear Probing (hereafter referred to as LP) is the oldest and simplest Open Addressing collision resolution method. It is a well-studied technique with some very attractive properties, first introduces and analyzed by Donald Knuth in 1963. An example of some insertions into a table that employs LP to store some integers is shown in the following figure. The hash function employed is a simple "modular" hash: $h(i)=i \mod M$.

Linear Probing example

Every time a collision is encountered, the algorithm keeps going forward into the table, wrapping around when required, to find an appropriate place to insert the new key into. 19, 4, and 16 are inserted collision-free, paying the minimum of only one probe, but 6, 176, and 1714 will be inserted only after enduring two, three, and four probes respectively! Also note that this is the maximum number of insertions the hash table can accommodate before resizing; the next insertion is guaranteed to trigger a resizing of the table according to its resizing policy.

We will now offer a mathematical formalization of how LP works. Suppose that our hash function is $h(k)$, where $k$ is some input key. Let also $i\geq 1$ be an integer that denotes the $i^{th}$ probe that we have had to endure during our search for an empty cell in the table. We select $i\geq 1$ because, remember, the minimum number of probes is 1, even for an unsuccessful search! Assuming that our hash table employs LP, the following memory allocation function $m_{lp}(k,i)$, returns the actual cell index of the $i^{th}$ probe:

$$m_{lp}(k,i) = (h(k)+(i-1)) \mod M$$

This means that LP will probe the following memory addresses in the original hash table:

$$h(k)\mod M$$ $$[h(k)+1]\mod M$$ $$[h(k)+2]\mod M$$ $$[h(k)+3]\mod M$$ $$\vdots$$

which fits intuition. For example, in the hash table shown in the figure below, if we wanted to insert the key 22, we would have the sequential memory allocations: $m_{lp}(22,1)=h(22)+(1-1)=22\mod 11=0$, $m_{lp}(22,2)=\cdots=1$, and $m_{lp}(22,3)=3$.

Examples of memory allocations

On the other hand, if we wanted to insert the key 9, we would only need the single allocation $m_{lp}(9,1)=9$, since cell 9 is empty. Of course, we could also compute $m_{lp}(9,2)=10$ or $m_{lp}(9,3)=0$, but there is no reason to, since $m_{lp}$ gave us an empty address in the first probe.

LP has been praised for its simplicity, excellent cache locality, and theoretical properties when employing a quality hash function (we will discuss those in lecture). But what would happen if we were to employ a relatively poor hash function?

To demonstrate what can happen, let's envision the following scenario. We have the following simple hash function for lowercase English characters:


Since lowercase 'a' has the decimal value 97 in the ASCII table, we can subtract 97 to "zero-index" our hash function for lowercase English characters. The following table can provide you with a reference of English characters throughout the rest of this writeup:

Character (a-m) a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Value of $h_{char}$ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Character (n-z) n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Value of $h_{char}$ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

We can then use this function to generate another simple hash function, this time for strings:

$$h_{str}(s) = h_{char}(s[0])\mod M$$

This hash function is not very good, particularly when compared to the default implementation of String.hashCode() in Java. First, every pair of lowercase strings which begin with the same letter will collide. This is true even if $M&gt;26$, the cardinality of the English alphabet! But it's not of course just the immediate collisions that cause us grief: the first character collisions tend to make "clusters" in the table which make even insertions for strings that begin with a new first character (when compared to the first characters of the already inserted strings) collide! The following figure illustrates this. Note that the hash table is reasonably large so that no re-sizing is necessary during the insertions we show.

Clustering in LP

The sequence of insertions for the above figure is: sun, elated, sight, rocket, torus, feather, fiscal, fang, gorilla. We see that inserting several keys with the same first character enlarges the relevant collision chain. But it's not just their own collision chain that they enlarge, but also that of other keys (torus, gorilla), which do not hash to the same bucket!

Unfortunately, with the simple collision resolution technique that LP employs, we cannot hope to alleviate the clustering phenomenon. Our only solution to it is re-sizing the table when we have to. Do note, however, that with a hash function this bad, even re-sizing cannot help us, since the operation $\mod M$ does not fix the problems of $h_{str}$.

Ordered Linear Probing

There is something we can do to improve our fortune. Consider for a moment a search for "entropy" in the hash table above. Since we are humans and can immediately see the entirety of the table, we know that this search is destined to fail. But how many probes will the insertion algorithm need to determine this? It would need six probes (the final one hitting null in cell 9), and this is because of one collision with a fellow word that begins with an "e", followed by the existence of keys with a first character of "f", which did not even hash to the same position as us anyway! Not to mention that the "f"s pushed gorilla over and that made things even worse for us. If only we could make those keys "get out of the way" so we can fail this search faster and move on to operations not destined to fail!

A simple modification of Linear Probing, Ordered Linear Probing (OLP for short) tries to achieve exactly this goal. It alleviates this problem by keeping the collision chains ordered. The way that this method works is as follows: consider that at some point in the collision resolution process that LP employs, the new key $k'$ encounters a key $k$ which has the property that $k&gt;k'$ (strictly smaller). The comparison operator $&lt;$ here is assumed to mean whatever "$&lt;$" means for the provided key type: numerical comparison, alphabetical comparison, custom compareTo(), etc. Then, the algorithm will put $k'$ in the position of $k$ and continue the insertion as if the key to be inserted is $k$! Effectively, the insertion algorithm will keep going down the collision chain for an empty spot to put $k$ in. We are thus keeping the collision chain ordered and we do not break the search for $k$, since we still have a contiguous cluster of collision chains which allows the algorithm to not reach null before it finds $k$.

The following figure shows an example of what the hash table depicted in the previous figure would look like if we had employed OLP instead of simple LP. We once again see that we have not alleviated the problem of clustering; what we have done is make searches destined to fail, fail faster!

Clustering in OLP

You should implement this method in the class OrderedLinearProbingHashTable. You might find that several of the methods you implement are 100% identical to those employed by LinearProbingHashTable. If that is the case, we would recommend that you refactor your code such that methods with identical definitions are all merged into one protected method in OpenAddressingHashTable, so you only have to debug that one method if something bad were to happen.

Quadratic Probing

In lecture we saw that Linear Probing is susceptible to the "clustering" phenomenon, where various different collision chains end up "crowding" next to each other and even "overlapping". This causes several collisions for even wildly different hash codes when compared to the ones that started the chains. We also saw that tuning Linear Probing such that its "jump" is changed from 1 to some other number, e.g. 2 or 3, does not solve the clustering problem: instead, the clusters become discontinguous on the table.

This leads us to ask: what if, instead of having a static offset to Linear Probing, we were to increase the "step" that the algorithm takes every time it encounters a collision? One studied solution that implements this idea is quadratic probing (QP). QP, in its simplest form (which is the one you will implement in this project), employs the following memory allocation function $m_{qp}$:

$$m_{qp}(k,i) = [h(k)+(i-1)+(i-1)^2]\mod M$$

which will lead to the following memory addresses being probed:

$$h(k)\mod M$$ $$[h(k)+2]\mod M$$ $$[h(k)+6]\mod M$$ $$[h(k)+12]\mod M$$ $$\vdots$$

Note that the offset is always computed from the address that $h(k)$ initially probed. For example, if the hash table we saw for LP memory address probing were built with quadratic instead of linear probing, we would have the single memory allocations shown in the following figure:

Quadratic probing

$m_{qp}(22,2)$ attains a bigger "jump" than $m_{lp}(22,2)$ and reduces the number of probes required to insert 22 by 1. For practice, try inserting 11 in either one of the hash tables after you insert 22, and see the speed-up attained by QP!

The entire idea behind QP is that if a key collides with another, we need to try harder to make it not collide in the immediate future. By increasing the quadratic "step" every time that a collision happens, the algorithm hopes to disperse keys that collide more aggressively. Feel free to read the relevant Wikipedia article or scour the web for additional resources on how QP improves upon LP. It doesn't improve universally, though. For one, it doesn't display the cache locality that Linear Probing displays, especially for keys that collide a lot (so the value of $i$ is large for them). Also, the hash function is just a tiny bit more expensive to compute, since there's another summand and a squaring involved. Perhaps a form of caching could be employed to make it cheaper to compute.

Two final implementation notes in QP. First, you might once again find that a lot of the code you write is identical to that of the other classes (though arguably less so). We would once again encourage you to package common pieces of code as protected methods in OpenAddressingHashTable. Second, since it is very hard to define the contiguous clusters when the key's "jump" changes with every collision encountered, in hard deletions you should simply reinsert all keys besides the key that you want to delete. Sounds inefficient, is inefficient. That leads us to the next section.

Soft vs. Hard Deletion in Openly Addressed Hash Tables

As you know from lecture, during hard deletion LP nullifies and re-inserts all keys that follow it within the cluster itself (so it should stop the process when it hits null). The same process is followed by OLP, whereas QP takes it one step "further" by simply re-inserting all keys that are not the key of interest, since in QP it is not straightforward to determine the memory topology of the clusters. On the other hand, this is not a problem that affect SeparateChainedHashTable, since those kinds of tables can simply call KVPairList.remove() and be done with a key with reasonable efficiency and no need to re-insert any other keys!

For this reason, we introduce a named constant called TOMBSTONE in OpenlyAddressedHashTable. This constant will be used as a placeholder for softly deleted KVPairs in the table. It is supremely important to understand the following things about this constant:

  • Any memory address that holds this constant is an available position for insertion of a new key. Therefore, for purposes of insertion, if the hash table in question soft-deletes, you can treat a tombstone-containing cell as an empty cell.
  • Any memory address that holds this constant is not a null cell! So, the collision chains that "went over" this memory address before the soft deletions still continue to "go over it"! We do not break collision chains this way (this would be bad)! In fact, since we know that just null-ifying collision chains breaks search, yielding the necessity of re-insertion of the subsequent cluster elements, we are obligated to not treat TOMBSTONE as a null entry. You should take this into consideration when implementing get() in your hash tables.
  • Since tombstone-containing memory addresses will still burden searches with an additional probe, they are considered as an occupied cell when we resize. For example, in the following figure, any new insertion will contribute to a resizing, since the hash table already has a count of elements (size()) of more than half its capacity (capacity()). However TOMBSTONES THEMSELVES DO NOT GET RE-INSERTED! What kind of hash value could we expect off of a tombstone to re-insert it, anyway?2

Tombstones in a hash table

When hippo is inserted, the table might contain only four actual keys, but the tombstones are actually there, so the resizing operation will be triggered before hippo is inserted. Why can't the tombstones just be "swept away" by essentially being treated like null entries? Well, because that would break search for subsequent keys! In this case, if the "dummy" tombstone entry at position 2 were treated like a null entry, future searches for lynx would falsely fail!

Finally, how do we tune an OpenAddressingHashTable instance for hard or soft deletion? Simple. The various constructors of the classes that extend this class have a boolean argument which, if true, determines that the instance being created will perform soft deletion, hard otherwise. You can even run your own timing experiments this way, and compare hard vs. soft deletion's efficiency as well as how much they affect the efficiency of other operations!

A few hints/notes about the project

In this project, we will be checking the number of probes you make to insert/search/delete an element. This may be a little too hard, but also can detect the case where you do not use a hashing at all. To make sure you pass all of the tests, make sure you are awared of the following:

  • When you have to resize, you should also count the number of probes you make reinserting each elements.
  • In quadratic probing, you will have to reinsert all elements during resizing for hard deletion, because there will not be a cluster for quadratic probing.
  • For all hash table for soft deletion, we do not utilize tombstone for insertion. (That is, when you try to insert an element, we only use next null cell for insertion.)
  • Resize policy:
    1. Check if 50% < (number of elements + number of tombstone) / capacity.
    2. Do not reinsert tombstone back into the table.
    3. You may choose to enlarge the capacity, or remain the capacity during the resize.


Why is it that SeparateChainingHashTable has two public methods (enlarge(), shrink()) which are not part of the interface HashTable?

Because enlarging or reducing the number of entries in a hash table implemented with Separate Chaining as its collision resolution strategy is a process that never has to happen automatically in order for its operations to work (particularly, insertions). Enlarging the hash table can lead to better efficiency of operations, while reducing its size can lead to better storage tradeoffs after numerous deletions have happened. This means that changing the Separately Chained hash table's capacity is an issue that should be left with the caller to decide. Maybe the caller decides to enlarge when the capacity is at 70%; if so, the caller must explicitly make the call to enlarge() (similarly for shrink()). On the other hand, an openly addressed hash table will need to internally resize the table in order to not just allow for better performance and storage trade-offs but, in the case of insertions, to even allow for the operation to complete!

Does this mean that I don't need such methods for my Openly Addressed Hash Tables, that is, LinearProbingHashTable and QuadraticProbingHashTable?

You will absolutely need such methods, but they have no business being public methods.

How should resizings be implemented?

To begin with, you will not need to resize during deletions. Therefore, for insertions, you should follow the approach that we have discussed in lecture: the first insertion that takes place after your hash table is at 50% capacity or more should first trigger a resizing of the hash table to the largest prime number smaller than twice your current size, and then insert the new key. The method PrimeGenerator.getNextPrime() will take care of the expansions. For example, if the current hash table capacity is 7, the 4th insertion will cause the hash table to have a count of 4, which is $\approx 57.1%$ of the hash table size. We will not resize after the 4th insertion though, because we don't know whether a 5th one will come yet, and it is possible that we would be resizing "for nothing". If a 5th insertion is requested, we will first resize to 13, the largest prime number smaller than $2\cdot 7=14$, and then we will insert the 5th element. Note that the element might be hashed to an address different than the one it would have been hashed to if we had not resized, since the hash code will be "modded" by a new hash table size. It is important that you stick exactly to this guideline, because HashTable instances expose a public method called capacity() which checks for the actual hash table size, ie the number of cells of the internal 1D array that implements the actual table whether they are occupied or not. This means that we can test for the return value of that method, and we will be expecting that you follow these guidelines to a tee. Feel free to use the class utils.PrimeGenerator to get the appropriate prime numbers for free. Check the file for some examples of how we can test for the return value of capacity().

For an Openly Addressed Hash Table that is very sparse, doesn't it make sense to truncate its size to the first prime greater than its current number of elements, such that we save space?

Yes, in practice, you should. However, in this project, we assume that our hash tables are kept at a reasonable load factor so that you don't ever encounter significant sparsity.

Why did you implement your own linked list over KVPair instances (KVPairList) instead of just instantiating the private data field table of SeparateChainingHashTable with a java.util.LinkedList<KVPair>? Surely that is easier to do instead of writing your own list for the project and then testing it!

We do this because creating a raw array over generic types in Java is a pain. As you can see in the figure below, in Java it is not possible to create a raw array over generics. KVPairList is, unfortunately, a generic type since it extends Iterable<KVPair>, itself a generic. We have included two example source code Java files, and, in the demos repository for you to consult, run, and understand this problem better.

Compile-time errors for arrays of generics


  1. So, if you are persistent about not using the debugger, at least print your table before coming to office hours, please.

  2. It turns out that tombstones are quite a popular idea in Computer Science as a whole and in hashing in particular.


Implementation of Hash Table with sperate chaning and linear probing







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