A shell for android. Can execute most linux shell command in it. You can easy to get last command result. At most time, it like a lite terminal, you can keep global shell in your application.
sh --> su --> id
the last result: uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
and then
exit --> id
the last result: uid=10103(u0_a103) gid=10103(u0_a103) groups=1028(sdcard_r)
A exact result of last command got from the ShellAndroid.
Put the cflag executable file to assets in your project.
Initialize the ShellAndroid.(see mainActivity.java in example)
//---- shell initialization ---- mShell = new ShellAndroid(); String flagFile = mShell.initFlag(getApplicationContext()); mShell.printOutput(); mShell.setFlagFile(flagFile); //---- finish shell initialization ----
Close the ShellAndroid if you never need it.(like the example close the shell on the onDestory method in activity)
protected void onDestroy() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onDestroy(); if (mShell != null){ mShell.close(); } }
Execute shell command in a work thread.
If you want get root permission, the best way is use the shell methods.
shell.checkRoot() // try to get root permission shell.hasRoot() // Is it the root user now shell.exitRoot() // exit root user, even if you execute su command many times.
Some commands makes the shell unable to work. The known commands below(They almost are interactive commands):
if wc