HAProxy Ingress Controller v1.9.9
2be402c BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update Go packages
cfe687b BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update packages
24b8b5a BUG: Handle Cgroups v2 memory limit set to 0 or max
be422b4 BUG: wait for k8s events from default local service
9d7190f BUG/MINOR: goreleaser: fix release note generation. Previously, the release notes were edited manually
5c69ed9 OPTIM/MINOR: goreleaser: don't use deprecated field to generate archive names
c771820 BUG: makefile should launch all tests with e2e_parallel and e2e_https tags
0859fe5 BUG/MINOR: rbac: Add missing RBAC for customresourcedefinitions
a6919a8 BUG/MINOR: add TuneOptions if is missing
f153ccb BUG: add resources limit to yaml files for deployment and daemonset
c30ce5d BUG/MINOR: quit after printing version when invoked with -v
82de96b BUG/MINOR: prevent crash in external mode without external option set
You can’t perform that action at this time.