graph TD;
FL[Fromal_Logic] --> A[Automata];
MDP[MDP_Data] --> ST[System_Transition];
A & ST --> BA[Buchi_Automata];
BA --> RL_R[RL_Reward];
RL_R --> RL_Agent;
RL_Agent --> BA;
- Formal Logic
Lexical Definition
- Formal Logic → Automata
LOMAP uses Spot and ltl2dstar as its bases.
Both Spot and ltl2dstar support Spin.
b. Classes of LOMAP
graph TD;
M[Model] --> At[Automaton];
At --> Robin;
At --> Buchi;
At --> Fsa;
M --> Mk[Markov];
M --> Ts;
c. Graph Representation : networkx
- Node
- Edge : {prev_node, next_node, attribute:’could be any hashable objects’}
d.Spin format
- ltl ::= opd | (ltl) | ltl binop ltl | unop ltl
- true, false
- finally <> F
- globally [] G
- next X
- until U
- not !
- and &&
- or ||
- implication →
- equivalence ↔
f. ltl2dstar
- Buchi Automata
- RL
Finite state predict automata is a fsa with computable edges.
{states, transitions, guards, initial states, final states}
class Predicate{
+actionable() bool
+evaluate(classState): PredicateEvaluationResult
class PredicateEvaluationResult{
result: float
+get-result(): float
FSPA : + computes-guard(classState) float
FSPA <.. classState
FSPA <.. PredicateEvaluationResult
FSPA <.. Predicate
- Algorithm
PPO will the default algorithm
# environment initilization
# actor and critic model initlization
# while loop
# RUN simulation until finished
# compute V(s), remenber R
# update v
# Advantage = R + V(S_t-1) - V(S)
# gradient = log(pi(a|theta))Advantage
Sometimes, Deep Q learning can also be deployed
Experience Replay - reduce vairence
Update Tearget network after C-steps - reduce varince
Double DQN(Q network for chossing actions, target network for evaluatiing) — avoide false positive
MDP {S, A, Sigma, R, T}
R and T are unknonwn initially.
T is learned through experience
product automaton: MDP and FSPA
How to get the product automaton
Template midlevel fspa
deterministic automaton
Actor-critic method–proximal policy gradient (37) as our RL algorithm.
curriculum training
FSPA guied MDP
Implementation on GYM
flowchart LR
a --> b --> a
flowchart LR;
s0["s0(a)"] --> R0((R)) -->|0.9| s1["s1(b)"]
R0 -->|0.1|s0
s1 --> R1((R)) -->|1| s1
s1 --> L1((L)) -->|0.9| s0
L1 -->|0.1| s1
s0 --> L0((L)) -->|1| s0
flowchart LR;
q0((q0)) --> q0
q0 -->|a| q1((q1))
q1 --> q1
q1 --> |b|q2((q2))
q2 --> q2
flowchart LR;
q0s0[q0, s0] --> R0((R)) --> q1s0[q1, s0]
R0 --> q1s1[q1, s1]
q0s0 --> L0((L)) --> q1s0
q1s1 --> L1((L)) --> q2s0[q2, s0]
q1s1 --> R1((R)) --> q2s1[q2, s1]
L1 --> q2s1
q1s0 --> R3((R)) --> q1s1
R3 --> q1s0
q1s0 --> L3((L)) --> q1s0
**********A gym wrapper for computing ltl reward
Input: PFSA, MDP State:********** S**********, Next MPD State:********** NS, **********FSA Q:********** q
**********Next FSA State:********** nq = fsa.nextQ(s, q)
**********Get all Out Edges:********** edges = fsa.outedge(nq)
**********Compute the smallest predicate:********** p = samllest(edges, NS)
**********Reward = p
return********** Reward
flowchart LR;
MDPS[MDP State] --> NN[MLP]-->action1
NN --> action2
FSA[FSA state] --> NN
- Grid World, Fully Observable, Dense Reward: Distance to target ,Discrite Control
- Grid World, Partially Observable, Sparse Reward: 0, 1, finished or not, Discrete Control
- Continues World, PPO
- MiniGrid
- pybullt manipulation
- meta-world (mojo-co based environment) This environment is for Multi-task RL and Meta-Learning
- The reward will escalate near 0;
- State space expanded by the number of fspa states. A simple fspa can have 10 or more states. The total fspa guided MDP’s state number is multiplied by the factor of 10 or more.
- TLTL’s dense rewards are hard to converge to the “real goal”. The agent gets more reward staying near the Predicate boundary, where has the highest robustness, than going to the next fspa state. Once the fspa runs into the next state, the robustness will drop dramatically as the target state changes.
We test our algorithm on a simple 8*8 minigrid world. The reward is composed of four parts:
💡 ********Note: we do not use TLTL robustness here as rewards here.********reward = 0
next_p = self.fspa.get_next_state_from_mdp_state(self.current_p)
"Reward I: Encourage FSPA state transition"
if next_p != self.current_p:
reward = 5
terminated = (next_p in
"Reward II: Complete the whole mission"
if terminated:
# print(terminated,"next p", next_p, self.env.agent_pos, reward)
reward = 50
#reward = reward - 0.9 * (self.step_count/self.max_steps)
"Reward III: Punish transition to trap states"
if next_p in self.fspa.trap:
truncated = True
if truncated:
reward = -50
"Reward IV: Energy for steps "
reward = reward - 10*(self.step_count/self.max_steps)
self.current_p = next_p
env = TltlWrapper(env, tltl="F p1 & F p2 & F p3 & (! p1 U p2) & (! p2 U p3)",
predicates={'p1': PositionPredicate(True, [3, 3]), 'p2': PositionPredicate(True, [5, 5]),
'p3': PositionPredicate(True, [2, 2])})
- reset: randomly initialize the fspa state and mdp state
F p1 & F p2 & (! p1 U p2)
F p1 & F p2 & F p3 & (! p1 U p2) & (! p2 U p3)
- Reward fspa
- Test Result
Always begin from a fixed state.
- Reward During Training
A formal methods approach to interpret-able reinforcement learning for robotic planning
A formal methods approach to interpretable reinforcement learning.pdf
Temporal Logic Guided Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Control Barrier Functions
Temporal Logic Guided Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Control Barrier functions.pdf