Miscellaneous commands for processing text files written in Ruby.
Aggregate values for each key.
$ tt-band -h Usage: tt-band [options] FILE [FILE...] Options: -d=DELIMITER Delimiter(spaces) -k=KEY_FIELD Key Field(1) -v=VALUE_FIELD Value Field(1) -c=COMMAND Command for values (values.size)
$ gem install keybreak
$ seq 0 0.3 10 | tt-band -d. -v2 -c 'values.join("-")' 0.0-3-6-9 1.2-5-8 2.1-4-7 3.0-3-6-9 4.2-5-8 5.1-4-7 6.0-3-6-9 7.2-5-8 8.1-4-7 9.0-3-6-9 $
Join lines with a pattern.
$ tt-hook -h Usage: tt-hook [options] FILE [FILE...] Options: -d=DELIMITER Delimiter(--HOOKED--) -e=REGEX Pattern -v Invert match
$ seq 10 | tt-hook -e '[1348]' 1--HOOKED--2 3 4--HOOKED--5--HOOKED--6--HOOKED--7 8--HOOKED--9 10
$ tt-hook -u hooked.txt > unhooked.txt
Another way
$ sed 's/\-\-HOOKED\-\-/\n/g' hooked.txt > unhooked.txt
Split a file into pieces determined by a function.
$ tt-wedge -h Usage: tt-wedge [options] FILE [FILE...] Options: -b=FUNCTION A function of line. Returns true at each breakpoint (default = false) -m=MARKER Break point marker (default = --WEDGE--) -o=PREFIX Output goes to files instead of STDOUT.
$ seq 10 > 1-10.txt $ tt-wedge -o incl1 -b 'line.include?("1")' 1-10.txt $ cat incl1_0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $ cat incl1_1 10 $
On Windows quotations needs to be escaped:
> tt-wedge -o incl1 -b 'line.include?(\"1\")' 1-10.txt
Otherwise you will get:
> tt-wedge -b 'line.start_with?("1")' .\10.txt (eval):2:in `start_with?': no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String (TypeError) from (eval):2:in `block in breakpoint_function'
$ echo -e "1\n2\n3\n1\n2\n1\n2\n3\n2\n3" | tt-wedge -b 'c = line.to_i; b = ([email protected]? && c < @prev); @prev = c; return b' 1 2 3 --WEDGE-- 1 2 --WEDGE-- 1 2 3 --WEDGE-- 2 3 $
Visualize the magunitude of number.
$ tt-scale -h Usage: tt-scale [options] FILE [FILE...] Options: -d=DELIMITER Delimiter(" ") -f=NUMBER Field base 1 (0 = the last field) -m=NUMBER Multiplier(1.0)
$ seq -f'a b c %.0f' 10 | tt-scale a b c + 1 a b c ++ 2 a b c +++ 3 a b c ++++ 4 a b c +++++ 5 a b c ++++++ 6 a b c +++++++ 7 a b c ++++++++ 8 a b c +++++++++ 9 a b c ++++++++++ 10
$ for i in {1..10}; do echo $(( $RANDOM % 100 -50 )); done | tt-scale -m 0.5 +++++++++++++++++ 33 -------------- -28 ------ -12 ----------------- -34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 49 ------ -12 +++++++++ 18 ---- -8 -------- -16 +++++++++++++++ 30 $
$ seq 10 | tac | cat -n | tt-scale -f 1 + 1 10 ++ 2 9 +++ 3 8 ++++ 4 7 +++++ 5 6 ++++++ 6 5 +++++++ 7 4 ++++++++ 8 3 +++++++++ 9 2 ++++++++++ 10 1
Overwrite a field with a command result.
$ tt-sticker -h Usage: sticker [options] FILE [FILE...] Options: -d=DELIMITER Delimiter(" ") -f=NUMBER,NUMBER,... Field base 1 (whole line) -c=COMMAND Filter command (cat)
$ paste <(seq 10) <(seq 10) | tt-sticker -f2 -c 'ruby -ne "puts($_.to_i**2)"' 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16 5 25 6 36 7 49 8 64 9 81 10 100 $
Ruby 2.x
$ cd test $ ruby test_<command>.rb
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