Interactive template file copier
With a dialog, select template files. Then the files are copied to your specified directory.
.\ [-t <TEMPLATE_DIR>] [DESTINATION_DIR] .\ -h | --help .\ -v | --version
DESTINATION_DIR Destination directory (default: current directory)
-h --help Show this screen and exit. -t <TEMPLATE_DIR> Template directory (default: SCRIPT_DIR\templates) -v --version Show version
Template file name syntax:
%y Year %m Month (01..12) %d Day (01..31) %H Hour (00..23) %M Minute (00..59) %S Second (00:60) _clipboard_ Paste from clipboard
Python3, docopt, tkinter
With Registory Editor, create a new key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Backgroundshell.
name: tmplcopy value: Templates Create a sub key under tmplcopy.
name: command value: \path\to\pythonw.exe \path\to\ -t \path\to\templates "%V"
Public Domain