This repository contains my personal notes and answers to the challenges from the Practical Malware Analysis & Triage course created by @HuskyHacks. This is mainly for everyone following the course or just for people interested by the topic. Feel free to take a look. (:
The structure of this repository maps to the course videos. The top directory contains the name of the section. My notes will be under the Course Notes
folder. For challenges, there will be my malware analysis report (named and its PDF version (Report.pdf) For example:
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┣ 📂Course Notes
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┣ 📂1-3.Challenge-SillyPutty
┃ ┣ 📂img
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┃ ┗ 📜Report.pdf
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- 0-1.HandlingAndSafety
- 1-1.BasicStaticAnalysis
- 1-2.BasicDynamicAnalysis
- 1-3.Challenge-SillyPutty
- 2-1.AdvancedStaticAnalysis
- 2-2.AdvancedDynamicAnalysis
- 2-3.Challenge-SikoMode
- 2-4.BinaryPatching/SimplePatchMe
- 2-5.AntiAnalysis/1.simpleAntiAnalysis
- 3-1.GonePhishing-MaldocAnalysis
- 3-2.WhatTheShell-ShellcodeAnalysis
- 3-3.OffScript-ScriptMalware
- 3-4.StaySharp-CSharpMalware
- 3-5.GoTime-GoMalware
- 3-6.Mobile-Malware/Android
- 4-1.Bossfight-wannacry.exe
- 5-1.Automation
- 5-2.RuleWriting
- 5-3.ReportWriting
- 6-1.CourseFinal
- 6-2.CourseConclusion
The following bulleted items are this course's Learning Objectives. It is split into two categories: Conceptual Learning Objectives (what to understand) and Skill-based Learning Objectives (what to perform).
- Explain the high-level malware analysis methodology.
- Explain safe malware handling and detonation procedures.
- Explain the importance of snapshots during malware analysis.
- Describe a high-level overview of a malware analysis lab network
- Identify safe sources for malware samples.
- Describe how the MITRE ATT&CK Framework informs malware analysis.
- Explain the differences between static and dynamic analysis.
- Explain the differences between basic and advanced analysis.
- Describe the differences between network indicators of compromise and host-based indicators of compromise.
- Explain the function of the IAT in a windows PE.
- Explain how the Windows API functions in a Windows PE.
- Explain the differences between high level languages and low level languages as they relate to malware analysis.
- Explain how decompilers & dissassemblers work.
- Explain the differences between source code, machine code, and assembly code.
- Describe the steps of a simple process injector at the Assembly and Windows API level.
- Explain the difference in .NET compiled binaries and Windows Portable Executables in relation to reverse engineering.
- Explain the differences in analysis & handling of different malware classes, i.e. maldocs, malscripts, PEs, DLLs, and process injectors.
- Explain how WMI can be used by malware.
- Create a local malware analysis lab with FLARE-VM and REMnux.
- Implement proper malware analysis network safety with segmentation of the malware analysis lab via Host Only or Internal networking.
- Implement internet simulation with INetSim within an isolated malware analysis lab network.
- Implement VM snapshots for safety and consistency during analysis.
- Handle malware from source to sink with an emphasis on safety.
- Perform controlled, safe malware detonation in a lab environment.
- Perform basic static analysis on Windows PEs, including: file hashing, analyzing PE strings, analyzing the Import Address Table, analyzing triage information with Capa, identifying and unpacking UPX packed malware.
- Match MITRE ATT&CK matrix items to malware capabilities.
- Perform basic dynamic analysis on Windows PEs, including: detonating and recording initial triage notes, examining network indicators of compromise with Wireshark, examining host-based indicators with Procmon, correlating network and host-based indicators of compromise between tools, analyzing the parent-child process relationships of malware programs.
- Perform advanced static analysis on Windows PEs, including: dissassembly & decompilation with Cutter, analyzing and interpreting i386 and AMD64 Assembly instructions, and analyzing a shellcode process injector at the Assembly level.
- Perform advanced dynamic analysis on Windows PEs, including: controlling flow of a program in a debugger, executing instructions, setting breakpoints, and patching instructions to alter program flow.
- Perform binary patching to alter the execution flow of a malware program.
- Identify and defeat anti-analysis techniques.
- Use Cyber Chef to transform data and decode a payload.
- Analyze malicious Microsoft Office documents.
- Analyze shellcode to determine its function.
- Analyze obfuscated PowerShell scripts.
- Analyze obfuscated VBScript.
- Analyze HTML Application files.
- Reverse-engineer a compiled .NET binary with dnSpy.
- Identify language patterns in compiled binaries
- Perform static analysis on an APK file with MobSF
- Combine all analysis methodologies and analyze a real world ransomware sample.
- Perform automated analysis with scripts and malware sandboxes.
- Compose YARA rules that identify malware program.
- Write & publish a malware analysis report.
If you'd like to reach out, please do not hesitate to hit me up !
Twitter : @hashp4_
Website :
This README is greatly inspired by Frog Man (@deFr0ggy). Do not hesitate to have a look at his work!