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Reduce the amount of CPP for attribute grammar support
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We previously had a lot of `#ifdef HAPPY_BOOTSTRAP` to support mangling
with and without attribute grammar support. Now that module is broken up
so that we need less.

This hopefully makes the code easier to understand and maintain.
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Ericson2314 committed Oct 1, 2023
1 parent 7d2fbbd commit 711f8a8
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Showing 4 changed files with 174 additions and 145 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions packages/frontend/happy-frontend.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ tested-with:
GHC == 7.0.4

flag bootstrap
description: Optimize the implementation of happy using a pre-built happy
Optimize the implementation of happy using a pre-built happy,
and add support for attribute grammars.
manual: True
default: True

Expand All @@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ library
Expand All @@ -78,7 +80,9 @@ library
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143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions packages/frontend/src/Happy/Frontend/AttrGrammar/Mangler.lhs
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
Special processing for attribute grammars for the Mangler. We re-parse
the body of the code block and output the nasty-looking record
manipulation and let binding goop

(c) 1993-2001 Andy Gill, Simon Marlow

> module Happy.Frontend.AttrGrammar.Mangler (rewriteAttributeGrammar) where

> import Happy.Grammar
> import Happy.Frontend.ParseMonad.Class
> import Happy.Frontend.AttrGrammar
> import Happy.Frontend.AttrGrammar.Parser
> import Happy.Frontend.Mangler.Monad
> import Data.List ( findIndices, groupBy, intersperse, nub )

> import Data.List ( sortBy )
> import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )

> import Control.Monad

> rewriteAttributeGrammar :: Int -> [Name] -> [Name] -> String -> [(String,String)] -> M (String,[Int])
> rewriteAttributeGrammar arity lhs nonterm_names code attrs =

first we need to parse the body of the code block

> case runFromStartP agParser code 0 of
> Left msg -> do addErr ("error in attribute grammar rules: "++msg)
> return ("",[])
> Right rules ->

now we break the rules into three lists, one for synthesized attributes,
one for inherited attributes, and one for conditionals

> let (selfRules,subRules,conditions) = partitionRules [] [] [] rules
> attrNames = map fst attrs
> defaultAttr = head attrNames

now check that $i references are in range
> in do let prods = mentionedProductions rules
> mapM_ checkArity prods
and output the rules
> rulesStr <- formatRules arity attrNames defaultAttr
> allSubProductions selfRules
> subRules conditions
return the munged code body and all sub-productions mentioned
> return (rulesStr,nub (allSubProductions++prods))
> where partitionRules a b c [] = (a,b,c)
> partitionRules a b c (RightmostAssign attr toks : xs) = partitionRules a (SubAssign (arity,attr) toks : b) c xs
> partitionRules a b c (x@(SelfAssign _ _ ) : xs) = partitionRules (x:a) b c xs
> partitionRules a b c (x@(SubAssign _ _) : xs) = partitionRules a (x:b) c xs
> partitionRules a b c (x@(Conditional _) : xs) = partitionRules a b (x:c) xs
> allSubProductions = map (+1) (findIndices (`elem` nonterm_names) lhs)
> mentionedProductions rules = [ i | (AgTok_SubRef (i,_)) <- concat (map getTokens rules) ]
> getTokens (SelfAssign _ toks) = toks
> getTokens (SubAssign _ toks) = toks
> getTokens (Conditional toks) = toks
> getTokens (RightmostAssign _ toks) = toks
> checkArity x = when (x > arity) $ addErr (show x++" out of range")

-- Actually emit the code for the record bindings and conditionals

> formatRules :: Int -> [String] -> String -> [Name]
> -> [AgRule] -> [AgRule] -> [AgRule]
> -> M String

> formatRules arity _attrNames defaultAttr prods selfRules subRules conditions = return $
> concat [ "\\happyInhAttrs -> let { "
> , "happySelfAttrs = happyInhAttrs",formattedSelfRules
> , subProductionRules
> , "; happyConditions = ", formattedConditions
> , " } in (happyConditions,happySelfAttrs)"
> ]
> where formattedSelfRules = case selfRules of [] -> []; _ -> "{ "++formattedSelfRules'++" }"
> formattedSelfRules' = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map formatSelfRule selfRules
> formatSelfRule (SelfAssign [] toks) = defaultAttr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)
> formatSelfRule (SelfAssign attr toks) = attr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)
> formatSelfRule _ = error "formatSelfRule: Not a self rule"

> subRulesMap :: [(Int,[(String,[AgToken])])]
> subRulesMap = map (\l -> foldr (\ (_,x) (i,xs) -> (i,x:xs))
> (fst $ head l,[snd $ head l])
> (tail l) ) .
> groupBy (\x y -> (fst x) == (fst y)) .
> sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst x) (fst y)) .
> map (\(SubAssign (i,ident) toks) -> (i,(ident,toks))) $ subRules

> subProductionRules = concat $ map formatSubRules prods

> formatSubRules i =
> let attrs = fromMaybe [] . lookup i $ subRulesMap
> attrUpdates' = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map (formatSubRule i) attrs
> attrUpdates = case attrUpdates' of [] -> []; x -> "{ "++x++" }"
> in concat ["; (happyConditions_",show i,",happySubAttrs_",show i,") = ",mkHappyVar i
> ," happyEmptyAttrs"
> , attrUpdates
> ]
> formattedConditions = concat $ intersperse " Prelude.++ " $ localConditions : (map (\i -> "happyConditions_"++(show i)) prods)
> localConditions = "["++(concat $ intersperse ", " $ map formatCondition conditions)++"]"
> formatCondition (Conditional toks) = formatTokens toks
> formatCondition _ = error "formatCondition: Not a condition"

> formatSubRule _ ([],toks) = defaultAttr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)
> formatSubRule _ (attr,toks) = attr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)

> formatTokens tokens = concat (map formatToken tokens)

> formatToken AgTok_LBrace = "{ "
> formatToken AgTok_RBrace = "} "
> formatToken AgTok_Where = "where "
> formatToken AgTok_Semicolon = "; "
> formatToken AgTok_Eq = "="
> formatToken (AgTok_SelfRef []) = "("++defaultAttr++" happySelfAttrs) "
> formatToken (AgTok_SelfRef x) = "("++x++" happySelfAttrs) "
> formatToken (AgTok_RightmostRef x) = formatToken (AgTok_SubRef (arity,x))
> formatToken (AgTok_SubRef (i,[]))
> | i `elem` prods = "("++defaultAttr++" happySubAttrs_"++(show i)++") "
> | otherwise = mkHappyVar i ++ " "
> formatToken (AgTok_SubRef (i,x))
> | i `elem` prods = "("++x++" happySubAttrs_"++(show i)++") "
> | otherwise = error ("lhs "++(show i)++" is not a non-terminal")
> formatToken (AgTok_Unknown x) = x++" "
> formatToken AgTok_EOF = error "formatToken AgTok_EOF"

> mkHappyVar :: Int -> String
> mkHappyVar n = "happy_var_" ++ show n
146 changes: 3 additions & 143 deletions packages/frontend/src/Happy/Frontend/Mangler.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,15 +11,11 @@ Mangler converts AbsSyn to Grammar
> import Happy.CodeGen.Common.Options
> import Happy.Grammar
> import Happy.Frontend.AbsSyn
> import Happy.Frontend.ParseMonad.Class
> import Happy.Frontend.AttrGrammar
> import Happy.Frontend.Mangler.Monad

This is only supported in the bootstrapped version
> import Happy.Frontend.AttrGrammar.Parser
> import Data.List ( findIndices, groupBy, intersperse, nub )
> import Happy.Frontend.AttrGrammar.Mangler

> import Happy.Frontend.ParamRules
Expand All @@ -30,20 +26,13 @@ This is only supported in the bootstrapped version
> import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
> import Data.Ord

> import Control.Monad
> import Control.Monad.Writer ( Writer, MonadWriter(..), mapWriter, runWriter )
> import Control.Monad.Writer ( Writer, mapWriter, runWriter )

-- The Mangler

This bit is a real mess, mainly because of the error message support.

> type ErrMsg = String
> type M a = Writer [ErrMsg] a

> addErr :: ErrMsg -> M ()
> addErr e = tell [e]

> mangler :: FilePath -> AbsSyn -> Either [ErrMsg] (Grammar, CommonOptions)
> mangler file abssyn
> | null errs = Right gd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,135 +300,6 @@ So is this.
> doCheckCode arity code

-- Special processing for attribute grammars. We re-parse the body of the code
-- block and output the nasty-looking record manipulation and let binding goop


> rewriteAttributeGrammar :: Int -> [Name] -> [Name] -> String -> [(String,String)] -> M (String,[Int])
> rewriteAttributeGrammar arity lhs nonterm_names code attrs =

first we need to parse the body of the code block

> case runFromStartP agParser code 0 of
> Left msg -> do addErr ("error in attribute grammar rules: "++msg)
> return ("",[])
> Right rules ->

now we break the rules into three lists, one for synthesized attributes,
one for inherited attributes, and one for conditionals

> let (selfRules,subRules,conditions) = partitionRules [] [] [] rules
> attrNames = map fst attrs
> defaultAttr = head attrNames

now check that $i references are in range
> in do let prods = mentionedProductions rules
> mapM_ checkArity prods
and output the rules
> rulesStr <- formatRules arity attrNames defaultAttr
> allSubProductions selfRules
> subRules conditions
return the munged code body and all sub-productions mentioned
> return (rulesStr,nub (allSubProductions++prods))
> where partitionRules a b c [] = (a,b,c)
> partitionRules a b c (RightmostAssign attr toks : xs) = partitionRules a (SubAssign (arity,attr) toks : b) c xs
> partitionRules a b c (x@(SelfAssign _ _ ) : xs) = partitionRules (x:a) b c xs
> partitionRules a b c (x@(SubAssign _ _) : xs) = partitionRules a (x:b) c xs
> partitionRules a b c (x@(Conditional _) : xs) = partitionRules a b (x:c) xs
> allSubProductions = map (+1) (findIndices (`elem` nonterm_names) lhs)
> mentionedProductions rules = [ i | (AgTok_SubRef (i,_)) <- concat (map getTokens rules) ]
> getTokens (SelfAssign _ toks) = toks
> getTokens (SubAssign _ toks) = toks
> getTokens (Conditional toks) = toks
> getTokens (RightmostAssign _ toks) = toks
> checkArity x = when (x > arity) $ addErr (show x++" out of range")

-- Actually emit the code for the record bindings and conditionals

> formatRules :: Int -> [String] -> String -> [Name]
> -> [AgRule] -> [AgRule] -> [AgRule]
> -> M String

> formatRules arity _attrNames defaultAttr prods selfRules subRules conditions = return $
> concat [ "\\happyInhAttrs -> let { "
> , "happySelfAttrs = happyInhAttrs",formattedSelfRules
> , subProductionRules
> , "; happyConditions = ", formattedConditions
> , " } in (happyConditions,happySelfAttrs)"
> ]
> where formattedSelfRules = case selfRules of [] -> []; _ -> "{ "++formattedSelfRules'++" }"
> formattedSelfRules' = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map formatSelfRule selfRules
> formatSelfRule (SelfAssign [] toks) = defaultAttr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)
> formatSelfRule (SelfAssign attr toks) = attr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)
> formatSelfRule _ = error "formatSelfRule: Not a self rule"

> subRulesMap :: [(Int,[(String,[AgToken])])]
> subRulesMap = map (\l -> foldr (\ (_,x) (i,xs) -> (i,x:xs))
> (fst $ head l,[snd $ head l])
> (tail l) ) .
> groupBy (\x y -> (fst x) == (fst y)) .
> sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst x) (fst y)) .
> map (\(SubAssign (i,ident) toks) -> (i,(ident,toks))) $ subRules

> subProductionRules = concat $ map formatSubRules prods

> formatSubRules i =
> let attrs = fromMaybe [] . lookup i $ subRulesMap
> attrUpdates' = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map (formatSubRule i) attrs
> attrUpdates = case attrUpdates' of [] -> []; x -> "{ "++x++" }"
> in concat ["; (happyConditions_",show i,",happySubAttrs_",show i,") = ",mkHappyVar i
> ," happyEmptyAttrs"
> , attrUpdates
> ]
> formattedConditions = concat $ intersperse " Prelude.++ " $ localConditions : (map (\i -> "happyConditions_"++(show i)) prods)
> localConditions = "["++(concat $ intersperse ", " $ map formatCondition conditions)++"]"
> formatCondition (Conditional toks) = formatTokens toks
> formatCondition _ = error "formatCondition: Not a condition"

> formatSubRule _ ([],toks) = defaultAttr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)
> formatSubRule _ (attr,toks) = attr++" = "++(formatTokens toks)

> formatTokens tokens = concat (map formatToken tokens)

> formatToken AgTok_LBrace = "{ "
> formatToken AgTok_RBrace = "} "
> formatToken AgTok_Where = "where "
> formatToken AgTok_Semicolon = "; "
> formatToken AgTok_Eq = "="
> formatToken (AgTok_SelfRef []) = "("++defaultAttr++" happySelfAttrs) "
> formatToken (AgTok_SelfRef x) = "("++x++" happySelfAttrs) "
> formatToken (AgTok_RightmostRef x) = formatToken (AgTok_SubRef (arity,x))
> formatToken (AgTok_SubRef (i,[]))
> | i `elem` prods = "("++defaultAttr++" happySubAttrs_"++(show i)++") "
> | otherwise = mkHappyVar i ++ " "
> formatToken (AgTok_SubRef (i,x))
> | i `elem` prods = "("++x++" happySubAttrs_"++(show i)++") "
> | otherwise = error ("lhs "++(show i)++" is not a non-terminal")
> formatToken (AgTok_Unknown x) = x++" "
> formatToken AgTok_EOF = error "formatToken AgTok_EOF"


-- Check for every $i that i is <= the arity of the rule.
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22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions packages/frontend/src/Happy/Frontend/Mangler/Monad.lhs
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Monad for error handling for the mangler

Pulled out so it can be shared with the attribute grammar part of the
mangler too.

(c) 1993-2001 Andy Gill, Simon Marlow

> module Happy.Frontend.Mangler.Monad
> ( ErrMsg
> , M
> , addErr
> ) where

> import Control.Monad.Writer ( Writer, MonadWriter(..) )

> type ErrMsg = String
> type M a = Writer [ErrMsg] a

> addErr :: ErrMsg -> M ()
> addErr e = tell [e]

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