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Simulate reductions and overhaul expected token generation
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sgraf812 committed Jan 27, 2024
1 parent 8d4f7d6 commit 8e94258
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Showing 4 changed files with 130 additions and 49 deletions.
82 changes: 71 additions & 11 deletions packages/backend-lalr/data/HappyTemplate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ happyDoAction i tk st =
",\taction: ")
case happyDecodeAction (happyNextAction i st) of
HappyFail -> DEBUG_TRACE("failing.\n")
happyFail st i tk st
happyFail i tk st
HappyAccept -> DEBUG_TRACE("accept.\n")
happyAccept i tk st
HappyReduce rule -> DEBUG_TRACE("reduce (rule " ++ show IBOX(rule) ++ ")")
Expand All @@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ data HappyAction
| HappyAccept
| HappyReduce FAST_INT -- rule number
| HappyShift FAST_INT -- new state
deriving Show

{-# INLINE happyDecodeAction #-}
happyDecodeAction ILIT(0) = HappyFail
Expand All @@ -159,8 +160,21 @@ happyIndexGotoTable nt st = indexOffAddr happyTable off
#ifdef HAPPY_GHC
indexOffAddr (HappyA# arr) off =
Happy_GHC_Exts.int32ToInt# (Happy_GHC_Exts.indexInt32OffAddr# arr off)

indexRuleArr arr r = (IBOX(nt), IBOX(len))
IBOX(n_starts) = happy_n_starts
offs = TIMES(MINUS(r,n_starts),ILIT(2))
nt = indexOffAddr arr offs
len = indexOffAddr arr PLUS(offs,ILIT(1))
indexOffAddr arr off = arr Happy_Data_Array.! off

indexRuleArr arr nt = arr Happy_Data_Array.! nt

{-# INLINE happyLt #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,18 +322,17 @@ happyTryFixup i tk HAPPYSTATE(action) sts stk =
-- `tk`. Hence we don't change `tk` in the call here

-- parse error if we are in fixup and fail again
happyFixupFailed state_num tk st sts (x `HappyStk` stk) =
happyFixupFailed tk st sts (x `HappyStk` stk) =
let i = GET_ERROR_TOKEN(x) in
DEBUG_TRACE("`error` fixup failed.\n")
#if defined(HAPPY_ARRAY)
-- TODO: Walk the stack instead of looking only at the top state_num
happyError_ i tk (happyExpListPerState (IBOX(state_num))) (happyResume i tk st sts stk)
happyError_ i tk (map happyTokenToString (happyExpectedTokens st sts)) (happyResume i tk st sts stk)
happyError_ i tk (happyExpListPerState (IBOX(state_num))) (happyResume i tk st sts stk)
happyError_ i tk [] (happyReturn1 Nothing)

happyFail state_num ERROR_TOK = happyFixupFailed state_num
happyFail _ i = happyTryFixup i
happyFail ERROR_TOK = happyFixupFailed
happyFail i = happyTryFixup i

#if defined(HAPPY_ARRAY)
happyResume i tk st sts stk = pop_items st sts stk
Expand All @@ -335,24 +348,71 @@ happyResume i tk st sts stk = pop_items st sts stk
| CONS(st1,sts1) <- sts, _ `HappyStk` stk1 <- stk
= DEBUG_TRACE("discarding.\n")
pop_items st1 sts1 stk1
-- discard_input_until_exp :: Happy_GHC_Exts.Int# -> Token -> Happy_GHC_Exts.Int# -> _
discard_input_until_exp i tk st sts stk
| HappyFail <- happyDecodeAction (happyNextAction i st)
| ultimately_fails i st sts
= DEBUG_TRACE("discard token in state " ++ show IBOX(st) ++ ": " ++ show IBOX(i) ++ "\n")
happyLex (\_eof_tk -> happyReturn1 Nothing)
(\i tk -> discard_input_until_exp i tk st sts stk) -- not eof
| otherwise
= DEBUG_TRACE("found expected token in state " ++ show IBOX(st) ++ ": " ++ show IBOX(i) ++ "\n")
happyFmap1 (\a -> a `happySeq` Just a)
happyResume (i :: FAST_INT) tk st sts stk = happyReturn1 Nothing
ultimately_fails i st sts =
DEBUG_TRACE("trying token " ++ show IBOX(i) ++ " in state " ++ show IBOX(st) ++ ": ")
case happyDecodeAction (happyNextAction i st) of
HappyFail -> DEBUG_TRACE("fail.\n") True
HappyAccept -> DEBUG_TRACE("accept.\n") False
HappyShift _ -> DEBUG_TRACE("shift.\n") False
HappyReduce r -> case happySimulateReduce r st sts of
CONS(st1,sts1) -> ultimately_fails i st1 sts1

happySimulateReduce r st sts =
DEBUG_TRACE("simulate reduction of rule " ++ show IBOX(r) ++ ", ")
let (IBOX(nt), IBOX(len)) = indexRuleArr happyRuleArr r in
DEBUG_TRACE("nt " ++ show IBOX(nt) ++ ", len: " ++ show IBOX(len) ++ ", new_st ")
let sts1@CONS(st1,_) = happyDrop len CONS(st,sts)
new_st = happyIndexGotoTable nt st1 in
DEBUG_TRACE(show IBOX(new_st) ++ ".\n")
CONS(new_st, sts1)

happyTokenToString i = happyTokenStrings Prelude.!! (i Prelude.- 2)
happyExpectedTokens st sts =
DEBUG_TRACE("constructing expected tokens.\n")
search_shifts st sts []
search_shifts st sts shifts = foldr (add_action st sts) shifts (distinct_actions st)
add_action st sts (IBOX(i), IBOX(act)) shifts =
DEBUG_TRACE("found action in state " ++ show IBOX(st) ++ ", input " ++ show IBOX(i) ++ ", " ++ show (happyDecodeAction act) ++ "\n")
case happyDecodeAction act of
HappyFail -> shifts
HappyAccept -> shifts -- This would always be %eof or error... Not helpful
HappyShift _ -> Happy_Data_List.insert IBOX(i) shifts
HappyReduce r -> case happySimulateReduce r st sts of
CONS(st1,sts1) -> search_shifts st1 sts1 shifts
distinct_actions st
= ((-1), IBOX(indexOffAddr happyDefActions st))
: [ (i, act) | i <- [begin_i..happy_n_terms], act <- get_act row_off i ]
row_off = indexOffAddr happyActOffsets st
begin_i = 2 -- +2: errorTok,catchTok
get_act off IBOX(i)
| let off_i = PLUS(off,i)
, GTE(off_i,ILIT(0))
, EQ(indexOffAddr happyCheck off_i,i)
= [IBOX(indexOffAddr happyTable off_i)]
| otherwise
= []


-- Internal happy errors:

#if defined(HAPPY_GHC)
notHappyAtAll :: Happy_GHC_Stack.HasCallStack => a
notHappyAtAll :: a
notHappyAtAll = Prelude.error "Internal Happy error\n"

Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions packages/backend-lalr/src/Happy/Backend/LALR.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,16 +19,18 @@ magicFilter magicName = case magicName of
in filter_output

importsToInject :: Bool -> Bool -> String
importsToInject ghc debug = concat ["\n", import_array, import_bits, glaexts_import, debug_imports, applicative_imports]
importsToInject ghc debug = concat ["\n", import_array, import_list, import_bits, glaexts_import, debug_imports, applicative_imports]
glaexts_import | ghc = import_glaexts
glaexts_import | ghc = import_glaexts ++ import_ghcstack
| otherwise = ""
debug_imports | debug = import_debug
| otherwise = ""
applicative_imports = import_applicative

import_glaexts = "import qualified GHC.Exts as Happy_GHC_Exts\n"
import_ghcstack = "import qualified GHC.Stack as Happy_GHC_Stack\n"
import_array = "import qualified Data.Array as Happy_Data_Array\n"
import_list = "import qualified Data.List as Happy_Data_List\n"
import_bits = "import qualified Data.Bits as Bits\n"
import_debug = "import qualified System.IO as Happy_System_IO\n" ++
"import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as Happy_System_IO_Unsafe\n" ++
Expand All @@ -49,4 +51,4 @@ defines debug array ghc coerce = unlines [ "#define " ++ d ++ " 1" | d <- vars_t
, [ "HAPPY_ARRAY" | array ]
, [ "HAPPY_GHC" | ghc ]
, [ "HAPPY_COERCE" | coerce ]
68 changes: 41 additions & 27 deletions packages/backend-lalr/src/Happy/Backend/LALR/ProduceCode.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -604,24 +604,16 @@ machinery to discard states in the parser...
> produceActionTable TargetArrayBased
> = produceActionArray
> . produceReduceArray
> . produceRuleArray
> . str "happy_n_terms = " . shows n_terminals . str " :: Prelude.Int\n"
> . str "happy_n_nonterms = " . shows n_nonterminals . str " :: Prelude.Int\n\n"
> . str "happy_n_starts = " . shows n_starts . str " :: Prelude.Int\n\n"
> produceExpToksPerState
> = produceExpToksArray
> . str "{-# NOINLINE happyExpListPerState #-}\n"
> . str "happyExpListPerState st =\n"
> . str " token_strs_expected\n"
> . str " where token_strs = " . shows (elems token_names') . str "\n"
> . str " bit_start = st Prelude.* " . shows nr_tokens . str "\n"
> . str " bit_end = (st Prelude.+ 1) Prelude.* " . shows nr_tokens . str "\n"
> . str " read_bit = readArrayBit happyExpToks\n"
> . str " bits = read_bit [bit_start..bit_end Prelude.- 1]\n"
> . str " bits_indexed = bits [0.."
> . shows (nr_tokens - 1) . str "]\n"
> . str " token_strs_expected = Prelude.concatMap f bits_indexed\n"
> . str " f (Prelude.False, _) = []\n"
> . str " f (Prelude.True, nr) = [token_strs Prelude.!! nr]\n"
> . str "{-# NOINLINE happyTokenStrings #-}\n"
> . str "happyTokenStrings = " . shows (drop (fst_term - 1) (elems token_names')) . str "\n"
> -- fst_term - 1: fst_term includes eofToken, but that is last in the list.
> . str "\n"
> where (first_token, last_token) = bounds token_names'
> nr_tokens = last_token - first_token + 1
Expand All @@ -635,7 +627,7 @@ machinery to discard states in the parser...
> . (if ghc
> then str " x = happyTcHack x "
> else str " _ = ")
> . mkAction (showInt state) default_act
> . mkAction default_act
> . str "\n\n"
> where gotos = goto' ! state
Expand All @@ -649,7 +641,7 @@ machinery to discard states in the parser...
> producePossiblyFailingAction t action'
> = actionFunction t
> . mkAction (showInt state) action'
> . mkAction action'
> . str "\n"
> produceGotos (t, Goto i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -750,15 +742,33 @@ action array indexed by (terminal * last_state) + state
> table_size = length table - 1
> produceReduceArray
> = {- str "happyReduceArr :: Array Int a\n" -}
> produceReduceArray -- rule number to (non-terminal number, rule length)
> = {- str "happyReduceArr :: Happy_Data_Array.Array Prelude.Int (Prelude.Int,Prelude.Int)\n" -}
> str "happyReduceArr = Happy_Data_Array.array ("
> . shows (n_starts :: Int) -- omit the %start reductions
> . str ", "
> . shows n_rules
> . str ") [\n"
> . interleave' ",\n" (map reduceArrElem [n_starts..n_rules])
> . str "\n\t]\n\n"
> produceRuleArray
> | ghc
> = str "happyRuleArr :: HappyAddr\n"
> . str "happyRuleArr = HappyA# \"" -- "
> . hexChars (concatMap (\(nt,len) -> [nt,len]) ruleArrElems)
> . str "\"#\n\n" --"
> | otherwise
> = str "happyRuleArr :: Happy_Data_Array.Array Int (Int,Int)\n"
> . str "happyRuleArr = Happy_Data_Array.array ("
> . shows (n_starts :: Int) -- omit the %start reductions
> . str ", "
> . shows n_rules
> . str ") [\n"
> . interleave' ",\n" (zipWith showRuleArrElem [n_starts..n_rules] ruleArrElems)
> . str "\n\t]\n\n"
> ruleArrElems = map (\(Production nt toks _code _prio) -> (nt-first_nonterm',length toks)) (drop n_starts prods)

> n_rules = length prods - 1 :: Int

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -922,9 +932,9 @@ directive determines the API of the provided function.
> str "(\\tokens explist resume -> " .
> (if use_monad then str ""
> else str "HappyIdentity Prelude.$ ") .
> str (case error_handler' of Just h -> h; Nothing -> "happyError") . str " " .
> str (case (error_handler', lexer') of (Nothing, Just _) -> ""
> _ -> "tokens ") .
> (case error_handler' of Just h -> brack h . str " "; Nothing -> str "happyError ") .
> (case (error_handler', lexer') of (Nothing, Just _) -> id
> _ -> str "tokens ") .
> (case error_sig' of ErrorHandlerTypeExpList -> str "explist "
> ErrorHandlerTypeDefault -> str "") .
> (if error_resumptive' then str "resume "
Expand All @@ -934,6 +944,10 @@ directive determines the API of the provided function.
> reduceArrElem n
> = str "\t(" . shows n . str " , "
> . str "happyReduce_" . shows n . char ')'
> showRuleArrElem r (nt, len)
> = str "\t(" . shows r . str " , ("
> . shows nt . str "," . shows len . str ") )"

-- Produce the parser entry and exit points
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1042,13 +1056,13 @@ vars used in this piece of code.
> actionVal LR'Fail = 0
> actionVal LR'MustFail = 0
> mkAction :: (String -> String) -> LRAction -> String -> String
> mkAction _ (LR'Shift i _) = str "happyShift " . mkActionName i
> mkAction _ LR'Accept = str "happyAccept"
> mkAction show_state LR'Fail = str "happyFail " . show_state
> mkAction show_state LR'MustFail = str "happyFail " . show_state
> mkAction _ (LR'Reduce i _) = str "happyReduce_" . shows i
> mkAction show_state (LR'Multiple _ a) = mkAction show_state a
> mkAction :: LRAction -> String -> String
> mkAction (LR'Shift i _) = str "happyShift " . mkActionName i
> mkAction LR'Accept = str "happyAccept"
> mkAction LR'Fail = str "happyFail"
> mkAction LR'MustFail = str "happyFail"
> mkAction (LR'Reduce i _) = str "happyReduce_" . shows i
> mkAction (LR'Multiple _ a) = mkAction a
> mkActionName :: Int -> String -> String
> mkActionName i = str "action_" . shows i
Expand Down
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions tests/monaderror-resume.y
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import Data.Char
import System.Exit

%name parseStmts
%name parseStmts Stmts
%name parseExp Exp
%tokentype { Token }
%errorresumptive -- the entire point of this test
%errorhandlertype explist -- as in monaderror-explist.y
Expand All @@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ Stmts : {- empty -} { [] }
| Stmt { [$1] }
| Stmts ';' Stmt { $1 ++ [$3] }
| catch ';' Stmt %shift { [$3] } -- Could insert error AST token here in place of $1
| catch { [] } -- Catch-all at the end

Stmt : Exp { ExpStmt $1 }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,12 +98,10 @@ main = do
test "1+1;1" $ \(_,mb_ast) -> mb_ast == Just [ExpStmt (One `Plus` One), ExpStmt One]
test "1++1;1" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'1'"]]
test "1++1;+" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'1'"], ParseError ["'1'"]]
test "11;1" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError []]
-- urgh, `Exp -> '1' .` is purely a reduction action.
-- We must walk the stack to get better messages
test "11;++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError [], ParseError ["'1'"]]
-- urgh, `Exp -> '1' .` is purely a reduction action.
-- We must walk the stack to get better messages
test "11;1" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"]]
test "11;++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"], ParseError ["'1'"]]
test "11;1++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"], ParseError ["'1'"]]
testExp "11" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'+'"]]
test inp p = do
putStrLn $ "testing " ++ inp
Expand All @@ -112,4 +110,11 @@ main = do
when (not (p res)) $ do
print res
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
testExp inp p = do
putStrLn $ "testing Exp " ++ inp
let tokens = lexer inp
let res = runValidate $ parseExp tokens
when (not (p res)) $ do
print res
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

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