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GTK: implement file drag and drop
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Still doesn't work on multiple rows.

Also see #14
  • Loading branch information
hasufell committed Apr 17, 2016
1 parent 7f538f4 commit 8b8c9a6
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 3 changed files with 68 additions and 26 deletions.
44 changes: 38 additions & 6 deletions src/HSFM/GUI/Gtk/Callbacks.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,36 @@ setCallbacks mygui myview = do
fmv@(FMTreeView treeView) -> do
_ <- treeView `on` rowActivated
$ (\_ _ -> withItems mygui myview open)

-- drag events
_ <- treeView `on` dragBegin $
\_ -> withItems mygui myview moveInit
_ <- treeView `on` dragDrop $
\dc p ts -> do
atom <- atomNew ("HSFM" :: String)
p' <- treeViewConvertWidgetToTreeCoords treeView p
mpath <- treeViewGetPathAtPos treeView p'
case mpath of
Nothing -> do
dragFinish dc False False ts
return False
Just _ -> do
dragGetData treeView dc atom ts
return True
_ <- treeView `on` dragDataReceived $
\dc p _ ts ->
liftIO $ do
signalStopEmission treeView "drag_data_received"
p' <- treeViewConvertWidgetToTreeCoords treeView p
mpath <- treeViewGetPathAtPos treeView p'
case mpath of
Nothing -> dragFinish dc False False ts
Just (tp, _, _) -> do
mitem <- rawPathToItem myview tp
forM_ mitem $ \item ->
operationFinal mygui myview (Just item)
dragFinish dc True False ts

commonGuiEvents fmv
return ()
fmv@(FMIconView iconView) -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +141,7 @@ setCallbacks mygui myview = do
_ <- menubarEditRename mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview renameF
_ <- menubarEditPaste mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview Nothing
_ <- menubarEditDelete mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview del

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +206,7 @@ setCallbacks mygui myview = do
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"v" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview Nothing

-- righ-click
_ <- view `on` buttonPressEvent $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,7 +245,7 @@ setCallbacks mygui myview = do
_ <- rcFileRename mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview renameF
_ <- rcFilePaste mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview Nothing
_ <- rcFileDelete mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview del
_ <- rcFileCut mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,10 +351,12 @@ copyInit _ _ _ = withErrorDialog

-- |Finalizes a file operation, such as copy or move.
operationFinal :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
operationFinal _ myview = withErrorDialog $ do
operationFinal :: MyGUI -> MyView -> Maybe Item -> IO ()
operationFinal _ myview mitem = withErrorDialog $ do
op <- readTVarIO (operationBuffer myview)
cdir <- path <$> getCurrentDir myview
cdir <- case mitem of
Nothing -> path <$> getCurrentDir myview
Just x -> return $ path x
case op of
FMove (MP1 s) -> do
let cmsg = "Really move " ++ imsg s
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/HSFM/GUI/Gtk/MyView.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ createTreeView = do
tvs <- treeViewGetSelection treeView
treeSelectionSetMode tvs SelectionMultiple

-- set drag and drop
tl <- targetListNew
atom <- atomNew ("HSFM" :: String)
targetListAdd tl atom [TargetSameApp] 0
treeViewEnableModelDragDest treeView tl [ActionCopy]
treeViewEnableModelDragSource treeView [Button1] tl [ActionCopy]

-- create final tree model columns
renderTxt <- cellRendererTextNew
renderPix <- cellRendererPixbufNew
Expand Down
43 changes: 23 additions & 20 deletions src/HSFM/GUI/Gtk/Utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,24 +67,7 @@ getSelectedItems :: MyGUI
-> IO [Item]
getSelectedItems mygui myview = do
tps <- getSelectedTreePaths mygui myview
getSelectedItems' mygui myview tps

getSelectedItems' :: MyGUI
-> MyView
-> [TreePath]
-> IO [Item]
getSelectedItems' _ myview tps = do
rawModel' <- readTVarIO $ rawModel myview
sortedModel' <- readTVarIO $ sortedModel myview
filteredModel' <- readTVarIO $ filteredModel myview
iters <- catMaybes <$> mapM (treeModelGetIter sortedModel') tps
forM iters $ \iter -> do
cIter' <- treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter sortedModel' iter
cIter <- treeModelFilterConvertIterToChildIter filteredModel' cIter'
treeModelGetRow rawModel' cIter

catMaybes <$> mapM (rawPathToItem myview) tps

-- |Carry out an action on the currently selected item.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,8 +112,6 @@ getCurrentDir :: MyView
getCurrentDir myview = readMVar (cwd myview)

-- |Push a message to the status bar.
pushStatusBar :: MyGUI -> String -> IO (ContextId, MessageId)
pushStatusBar mygui str = do
Expand All @@ -146,3 +127,25 @@ popStatusbar mygui = do
let sb = statusBar mygui
cid <- statusbarGetContextId sb "FM Status"
statusbarPop sb cid

-- |Turn a path on the rawModel into a path that we can
-- use at the outermost model layer.
rawPathToIter :: MyView -> TreePath -> IO (Maybe TreeIter)
rawPathToIter myview tp = do
fmodel <- readTVarIO (filteredModel myview)
smodel <- readTVarIO (sortedModel myview)
msiter <- treeModelGetIter smodel tp
forM msiter $ \siter -> do
cIter <- treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter smodel siter
treeModelFilterConvertIterToChildIter fmodel cIter

-- |Turn a path on the rawModel into the corresponding item
-- that we can use at the outermost model layer.
rawPathToItem :: MyView -> TreePath -> IO (Maybe Item)
rawPathToItem myview tp = do
rawModel' <- readTVarIO $ rawModel myview
miter <- rawPathToIter myview tp
forM miter $ \iter -> treeModelGetRow rawModel' iter

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