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Repository files navigation

 _______     _______.       .___  ___.      ___      .___  ___.      ___      
|   ____|   /       |       |   \/   |     /   \     |   \/   |     /   \     
|  |__     |   (----` ______|  \  /  |    /  ^  \    |  \  /  |    /  ^  \    
|   __|     \   \    |______|  |\/|  |   /  /_\  \   |  |\/|  |   /  /_\  \   
|  |____.----)   |          |  |  |  |  /  _____  \  |  |  |  |  /  _____  \  
|_______|_______/           |__|  |__| /__/     \__\ |__|  |__| /__/     \__\ 

ElasticSearch Mapping Manager

Manage you Index Mappings for professional ElasticSearch control.



At the moment esmama is not listed in any repository (tbd). You can however follow these steps for the time being:

  1. Clone/ download this repository locally
  2. Install the package using provided or any package manager (e. g.

Project Initialization

Also project initialization is yet to be implemented. Therefore, you have to provide a simple folder. You can choose the location to your liking and also name the top folder as you wish (esmama_dir in the following example):

  • esmama_dir/
    • versions/

The file needs to be executable and define at least the three variables ELASTIC_HOST, ELASTIC_PORT and INDEX_PREFIX.


ELASTIC_HOST = "localhost"
INDEX_PREFIX = "my_project"


Display help

esmama -h

usage: esmama [-h] -d DIR [-n NAME] [-t TARGET] [-f FORCE] command

positional arguments:
  command               The ES-MaMa action to be executed: init, revision, upgrade or history

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Path to the ES-MaMa directory
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Name of the revision to be created
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Target version ID to down/ upgrade to
  -f FORCE, --force FORCE
                        Force recreate index

Add a new index mapping

esmama -d <path/to/your/esmama_dir> -n "Name of the new revision" revision

This creates a new file in your versions directory, titled using an UUID and the chosen name.

Display the history of index mappings

esmama -d <path/to/your/esmama_dir> history

This will display the history of index mappings by their UUID.

Display the currently active revision

esmama -d <path/to/your/esmama_dir> current

This will login to the ElasticSearch cluster defined by the variables in and check, if the index is managed by ES-MaMa. If so, the active revision will get displayed.

Perform a reindex

Upgrade to newest revision

esmama -d <path/to/your/esmama_dir> upgrade

Using the most recent revision in versions, the ElasticSearch cluster defined by the variables in will get upgraded. For this, on the one hand the currently active revision is read. On the other hand the most recent revision from your versions folder is obtained. Then a new index is created, titled by the INDEX_PREFIX and UUID of the revision. Using the Reindex API from ElasticSearch then all documents are transfered to the new index. The "old" index is deleted and an alias is created for the "new" index by the name of INDEX_PREFIX (without any UUID suffix).

If the most recent code revision is not newer than the active revision no changes are applied and a message is displayed.

Force upgrade to newest revision

Even if the active revision already matches the most recent revision, it might be useful to call the Reindex API anyway. For this you can use the -f flag.

esmama -d <path/to/your/esmama_dir> -f upgrade

Reindex to a specific revision

Also, up-/ downgrades to certain revisions are possible using the -t flag:

esmama -d <path/to/your/esmama_dir> -t <UUID> upgrade


ElasticSearch Mapping Manager







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