- Build from Sources
Create a directory
mkdir carbon
Change to the created directory
cd carbon
Init the CarbonDev repository
repo init -u git://github.com/CarbonDev/android.git -b jb2
create a directory .repo/local_manifests.xml
mkdir .repo/local_manifests
create the local_manifest.xml into the directory .repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml
curl https://raw.github.com/hawk78/android_device_907/carbon/clean_manifest.py > clean_manifest.py
curl https://raw.github.com/hawk78/android_device_907/carbon/mini_manifest.xml > mini_manifest.xml
python clean_manifest.py -l mini_manifest.xml .repo/manifest.xml > .repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml
Syncronyze the server
repo sync -f -j16
finally you're ready to build it
source build/envsetup.sh
brunch carbon_907-userdebug -j8
- Patches
if you have already modify your tree and patches can't be applied, run:
repo forall -c git reset --hard
repo forall -c git clean -xdf