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xraid edited this page Sep 13, 2010
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code.duby => TheParser => TheTransformer => TheTyper => TheCompiler
The parsers role is to generate a AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) to do further transformations on.
Todays Duby uses the JRubyParser internally http://kenai.com/projects/jruby-parser/sources/mercurial/show it is included in “duby_source_dir/javalib/JRubyParse.jar”, JRubyParser is written in Java and could be used in JRuby .rb files as :
import org.jrubyparser.parser
Parser = org.jrubyparser.Parser
def parse_ruby(src, filename='-')
parser = Parser.new
config = ParserConfiguration.new(0, CompatVersion::RUBY1_9, true)
ast = parser.parse(filename, StringReader.new(src), config)
In Duby code it could be called as:
ast = Duby::AST.parse_ruby(src, filename)
Lets look at an example parse to AST …
def fib(a:int)
if a < 2
fib(a - 1) + fib(a - 2)
Parses to Duby::AST as :
(RootNode, (NewlineNode, (DefnNode:fib, (ArgumentNode:fib), (ArgsNode, (BlockNode, (TypedArgumentNode:a, (VCallNode:int)))), (NewlineNode, (IfNode, (CallNode:<, (LocalVarNode:a), (ArrayNode, (FixnumNode))), (NewlineNode, (LocalVarNode:a)), (NewlineNode, (CallNode:+, (FCallNode:fib, (ArrayNode, (CallNode:-, (LocalVarNode:a), (ArrayNode, (FixnumNode))))), (ArrayNode, (FCallNode:fib, (ArrayNode, (CallNode:-, (LocalVarNode:a), (ArrayNode, (FixnumNode)))))))))))))
With JRuby installed and defined in PATH one can use the command ast => JRuby/bin/ast
$ ast -e "def method;puts "hey";end"
RootNode 0
NewlineNode 0
DefnNode:method 0
ArgumentNode:method 0
ArgsNoArgNode 0
NewlineNode 0
FCallOneArgNode:puts 0
ArrayNode 0
VCallNode:hey 0
where the -e is a flag for evaluate,
Next up in the duby flow is TheTransformer