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Attendance Genie

Sick of losing attendance because of poorly scheduled links or eduserver being sluggish?
Wish you didn't have to worry about those annoying attendance links?

Your wish is our command ;)

Simply provide your eduserver login details at and leave the rest to us โœŒ๏ธ
Follow the attendance channel on our discord server to get pinged when your attendance is marked (if you provided the optional discord ID).
Your discord ID is the 18 digit number you get when you tag yourself in a discord text channel with a \ preceding the tag.

New - You can now provide your WhatsApp number to get notified on WhatsApp when your attendance is marked.
Newer - Genie now sends you the link to join class too (to ease his conscience :p).

If, for some obscure reason you don't trust us with your eduserver login details (lol), you can always host the whole thing yourself (it's easy dw :P)
The Flask frontend is Heroku ready but for the backend you might have to create a postgres database to load user details from. You can also modify the code to do it differently.
As per the current config, the environment variables that must be set are:
MOODLE_HOME - The base url of the Moodle platform (e.g.
DATABASE_URL - The postgres database URL to connect to.
SECRET_KEY - The top secret key to be used for encrypting the user passwords.
WEBHOOK - The discord webhook URL to send the message to.
WHATSAPP - The url where the whatsapp bot is hosted.

To start the server that sends WhatsApp notifications, run:

cd whatsapp
npm install
npm start

This will make the whatsapp bot listen at http://localhost:3000/ Once everything is sett you can run genie by:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Finding a VPS to host it is something I'll leave to you (I will say this though, OCI is OP ๐Ÿ˜)

Smol disclaimers: Sometimes it can happen that the script runs into some error and fails to mark your attendance... Please be vigilant for at least a week after joining the cult and report any bugs/discrepancies found.
Also, while we do encrypt your passwords before storing them in a secure database, we strongly recommend against using important passwords for eduserver.
Lastly, keep an eye on the GitHub channel in the server and be vigilant if there are any updates as I might have messed around and broken something (sorry :")).

For contributions/suggestions/complaints of any kind feel free to talk to us on discord or open an issue or submit a PR or even directly contact me ๐Ÿ˜‡