ErrorKit is a handy iOS library for making NSError
handling easier. It covers error object creation, inspection, presentation and recovery.
Its purpose is to help you write failure-aware applications with fewer and simpler code. This is achieved by convining an iOS implementation of the error-responder and error-recovery mechanisms available in the Application Kit (see Error Handling Programming Guide For Cocoa) with some new APIs with error conscious methods.
// Log error (if any)
// Assert
NSString *helpAnchor = error.helpAnchor;
NSURLRequest *request = error.failingURLRequest;
NSArray *errors = error.detailedErrors;
// and so on...
// (supports most AFNetworking, AVFoundation, Core Data, Facebook SDK, JSONKit and Parse keys)
if (!error.isCancelledError) {
[[UIAlertView alertWithTitle:nil error:error] show];
// or you can rely on responder chain and do:
// [self presentError:error];
if (error.code == NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet && error.isHTTPError) {
MRErrorBuilder *builder = [MRErrorBuilder builderWithError:error];
builder.localizedRecoverySuggestion = NSLocalizedString(@"Please check your internet connection.", nil);
[builder addRecoveryOption:NSLocalizedString(@"Retry", nil)
withBlock:^(NSError *error) {
[[HTTPClient sharedClient] resendRequest];
[self presentError:builder.error];
NSString *debugString = [MRErrorFormatter debugStringWithDomain:error.domain code:error.code]; // e.g. NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost
NSString *localizedString = [MRErrorFormatter stringWithDomain:error.domain code:error.code]; // e.g. Connection Lost
// (supports most Accounts, Admob, AVFoundation, Core Data, Core Location, Facebook SDK, iAD, JSONKit, Map Kit, MessageUI, Parse, Security, Store Kit, TransitionKit and VeriJSON codes)
ErrorKit provides handlers for Facebook authentication, request permission and API calls errors.
// UIResponder+FacebookSDK:
- (BOOL)handleFacebookAuthError:(NSError *)error withLoginBlock:(void(^)(NSError *))loginBlock;
- (BOOL)handleFacebookRequestPermissionError:(NSError *)error;
- (BOOL)handleFacebookAPICallError:(NSError *)error withPermissionBlock:(void(^)(NSError *))permissionBlock andRetryBlock:(void(^)(NSError *))retryBlock;
// NSJSONSerialization+JSONValues:
+ (NSData *)dataWithArray:(NSArray *)obj options:(NSJSONWritingOptions)opt error:(NSError **)errorPtr;
+ (NSData *)dataWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)obj options:(NSJSONWritingOptions)opt error:(NSError **)errorPtr;
+ (NSArray *)arrayWithData:(NSData *)data options:(NSJSONReadingOptions)opt error:(NSError **)errorPtr;
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryWithData:(NSData *)data options:(NSJSONReadingOptions)opt error:(NSError **)errorPtr;
ErrorKit also provides methods for retrieving values from dictionaries and arrays.
- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (NSNumber *)numberForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (NSString *)stringForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (NSArray *)arrayForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (NSDictionary *)dictionaryForKey:(id)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
Alternatively you can use the block version of these methods.
- (BOOL)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index block:(void(^)(id object, NSError *error))block;
- (BOOL)numberForKey:(id)aKey block:(void(^)(NSNumber *number, NSError *error))block;
// etc.
// NSMutableArray+JSONValues:
- (BOOL)addObject:(id)anObject withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (BOOL)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (BOOL)replaceObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index withObject:(id)anObject error:(NSError **)errorPtr;
// etc.
// NSMutableDictionary+JSONValues:
- (BOOL)setNumber:(NSNumber *)aNumber forKey:(id<NSCopying>)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
- (BOOL)setString:(NSString *)aString forKey:(id<NSCopying>)aKey withError:(NSError **)errorPtr;
// etc.
See ErrorKit-Example and CoreData-Example projects or browse online documentation for further reference.
- Drag and drop the ErrorKit folder to your project.
- Add
#import "ErrorKitDefines.h"
or customize enabled features by definingERROR_KIT_CORE
and some of the following contants somewhere in your code (e.g. in -Prefix.pch file):ERROR_KIT_ACCOUNTS
. - Finally add
#import "ErrorKit.h"
For using the functionalities provided by one subspec you must add it to your Podfile and import its header in your code.
The ErrorKit specification provides the following subspecs:
- pod 'ErrorKit/Default':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Default.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Accounts':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Accounts.h>
pod 'ErrorKit/AdMob':#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Admob.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/AFNetworking_v1':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_AFNetworking.h>
pod 'ErrorKit/AFNetworking_v2':#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_AFNetworking.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/AVFoundation':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_AVFoundation.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Core':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Core.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/CoreData':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_CoreData.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/CoreLocation':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_CoreLocation.h>
pod 'ErrorKit/FacebookSDK_v1':#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_FacebookSDK.h>
pod 'ErrorKit/FacebookSDK_v2':#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_FacebookSDK.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/HTTP':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_HTTP.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/JSONKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_JSONKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/JSONValues':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_JSONValues.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/MapKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_MapKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/MessageUI':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_MessageUI.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/NSException':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_NSException.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Parse':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Parse.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/Security':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_Security.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/StoreKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_StoreKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/TransitionKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_TransitionKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/iAD':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_iAD.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/UIKit':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_UIKit.h>
- pod 'ErrorKit/VeriJSON':
#import <ErrorKit/ErrorKit_VeriJSON.h>
ErrorKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Other projects implementing similar error handling and presentation mechanisms:
- EPSErrorHandling
- [ios-presentError]( entError) (Fail better)
- RMErrorRecoveryAttempter