- 🔭 Currently I'm I.T Coordinator at Graphis!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning game design and development
- 🥅 2025 Goals: Be more productive as a developer, learn a different thing each day, spend less time procrastinating things
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a 3D printing entusiast and a horror movies fan 🧛♂️
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
- 💪 Login Flutter em API externa utilizando Laravel+Sanctum (https://github.com/helderlj/flutter-laravel-sanctum-login)
- 💪 Paine administrativo de controle de pacientes (https://github.com/helderlj/psicontrole-v3)
- 💪 Ambiente docker minimalista para execução de Laravel (https://github.com/helderlj/docker-compose-laravel)